Helpful School Guide for Parents/Guardians 2022-2023

September 2, 2022

The District welcomes new and existing students and their families to the 2022-2023 school year. To make the transition back to school easier on families, the District is sharing this guide to help support your child’s learning, as well as meet their health and safety needs.

Finding Your School Online

Communication with our families is an important aspect of what we do as a District. Students and their families are informed of updated information, upcoming events, or notices about what is happening at our schools.

Every school in our District has its own website that acts as a hub of communication for that school’s learning community. There you can find the latest updates from the principal or events listed in the school’s calendar.

To visit your school’s website, you can find your school on our School Map. From there, click on your school’s website and bookmark the page. The School Map can be found here.

MyEdBC Support

MyEdBC is a provincial information system used to access information about your child’s education. It is also a platform where you can find student report cards and schedules.

The District offers a wide variety of supports for MyEdBC through several resources, as well as having dedicated support staff to assist with any questions.

To access MyEdBC Support, visit this page here.

Parent Involvement

The District encourages parents/guardians to be involved in their child’s education and learning community. One way to be involved is to participate in the school’s PAC (Parent Advisory Council). Every school has a PAC which is overseen by the Langley District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC).

To learn how to get involved as a parent in your school community, visit this page here.

Staying Connected with your School

The District uses a notification system called SchoolMessenger to communicate information to families. One way to stay connected is to opt-in to receive text message notifications from the school or District on matters relating to an emergency or general information. As we welcome our new families to our schools, some parents/guardians may receive a text message notifying them about SchoolMessenger.

For more information about the system, visit this page here.

Communicating with your School

The District values all of our families and building on relationships. There are times when a family may raise concerns about their child or about their school environment. As a District and staff, we listen to feedback and encourage discussion.

To help families start these conversations with staff, visit this page here.

Emergency Preparedness & Response

Emergencies and unexpected incidents can happen in and around our schools. The District continues to follow emergency procedures and continues to communicate information to help families be prepared when situations such as a school lockdown or hold & secure occur.

To learn about emergency preparedness terminology in our District, visit this page here.