Board News: Tuesday, May 26, 2015

May 27, 2015

LSS and Langley Blaze Baseball Academy

Reg_Presentation 1_Langley Secondary Baseball Academy_page1LSS baseball academy student James presented to the Board of Education, outlining the benefits of the academy program both on and off the field. As well as providing top-notch baseball instruction, students in the academy participate in school functions and spend time mentoring special needs and younger students by sharing their love of baseball. Students in the baseball academy also have to maintain academic standards as well.

LSS Trades 1 Program for Gr 9 Students

Reg_Presentation2_LSS_Trades 1_page1Lexi, a grade 9 student in the Trades 1 program at LSS, addressed the Board and spoke of how the program has valuable to her and a number of other students. The opportunity to learn hands-on and to gain experience in trades education earlier than in the past, is of particular benefit. Academics are woven into the skills training and students may study Ohm’s Law in the morning and build a circuit board later in the day, making direct connections between theory and practice.

Achievement Report: Early Learning

Reg_Sups Achievement Report_Early Learning_ 2015May26_page1Superintendent Suzanne Hoffman highlighted various initiatives focused on early learning in the District. The Instructional Services department’s Amanda Slade is the district teacher responsible for the early learning portfolio and she works with community partners to assist in the successful transition of 0-6 year old learners into the school system.

Student Leadership Initiatives in SD35

Reg_Student Leadership Initiatives_2015May26_page1Lara Petrie is the district teacher spearheading student leadership initiatives in the District. Many students have already benefited from the wealth of opportunities in the District as well as the ‘shift in thinking’ away from selecting and grooming some students into leaders to a mindset where everyone is a leader, we just need to tap into it. Table 35, the Canadian Leadership Conference, Inside-out: Anti-bullying Campaign, the TED Youth Conference, Regional Student Conference, District LGBTQ representation and the Leadership Awards are some highlights.

Action Plans for Learning

Reg_Action Plans for Learning_2015May26_page1Assistant Superintendent Gord Stewart provided an overview of the Action Plan for Learning process for 2014-2015 and some potential changes for next year. Each school site submits their action plan draft but that may change depending on the passage of Bill 11, which changes the structure of School Planning Councils and District Achievement Contracts. What won’t change, however, is the District’s commitment to utilizing the Action Plan for Learning format as a means for schools to identify ways they can improve student learning.

Secretary Treasurer’s Report: Budget Update

Reg_ST Rep_Budget Update_May 26 2015_page1Secretary Treasurer David Green provided a budget update to the Board outlining the status of budget development, cost pressures and savings, administrative savings and the current status of the budget and projected surplus. The projected surplus is $1,368,391 for June 2015. A public open house will be held June 9 at the School Board Office.

Education Committee Report

The Education Committee recommended that the Board approve the R.E. Mountain Secondary/Yorkson Creek Middle School Rivermen Hockey Academy for the 2015/2016 school year. The motion passed and a new hockey academy will begin next year. This program differs from other District hockey programs in that it involves a middle school, a time “when a young player’s development is really taking off”, commented Assistant Superintendent Gordon Stewart.

Policy Committee Report

The Policy Committee recommended that the Board pass a motion approving revisions to Policy No. 3601 – Disposal of Real Property. The motion passed and the Board approved the motion and revisions which updates the policy to reflect changes made by the Ministry of Education.