About Hospital Homebound
Hospital Homebound Services provide instruction to those students who are expected to be away from school for two or more weeks due to illness or other medical reasons. The teachers liaise between the school and the home or hospital. All students, kindergarten to grade 12, are eligible for this service if a medical doctor concurs. Services are provided two to three times per week for approximately fifty minutes per session. Referrals for Hospital Homebound Service are made through the school.
Frequently Asked Questions
1) What is the Langley Hospital Homebound Program?
Hospital Homebound is a short-term service provided for students K – 12 enrolled in the Langley public school system. It is designed to assist students who are absent from school for medical reasons, so that they return to classes with as little educational interruption as possible. It is offered as part of the district service to elementary and secondary students with non-contagious illnesses, or other medical reasons. Instruction is available at the student’s home, and at Langley Memorial Hospital. There may be circumstances where students are seen in an alternate setting such as public libraries, schools etc. if an adult (25 years +) cannot be present at the meeting time. Students work on assignments they would be doing if they were attending regular school.
2) What is the referral process?
At the elementary level, administrators will fill out the online referral. At the secondary level, counsellors or administrators will fill out the referral.
3) What are some medical reasons for which a student can be referred?
Medical reasons include accidents, surgery, mononucleosis, infections, diseases, cancer
treatments, pregnancy, and in some cases, mental health etc.4) How long must a student be ill before they can be referred?
A Hospital Homebound student can be referred if the student is expected to be absent for five
days (semester) or 10 days (linear) or longer. Hospitalized students can be referred upon
entering the hospital. Students with scheduled surgery may make arrangements for aftersurgery Hospital Homebound support.5) Is a medical note required before a student starts H/H service?
A medical note needs to be provided at the commencement of Hospital Homebound service. It needs to be signed by the medical doctor who has been giving continuous care to the student in question, indicate the medical reason for absence, and also how long the student is expected to be unable to attend school. The only medical note that will be accepted is the one from the district. A note on a doctor’s notepad will not suffice.
6) What hours do Hospital Homebound teachers work?
Hospital Homebound teachers work regular school hours. They won’t schedule appointments
on weekends or school holidays. Their Professional Development days may differ from those of
the school.7) Do Hospital Homebound teachers visit a home where a student is alone?
A parent or other responsible adult 25 years or older is required to be present when the
Hospital Homebound teacher visits. If this cannot be arranged, it may be possible to meet the
student at a nearby public library, or school.8) What happens after a student has been referred?
The Hospital Homebound teacher will contact the student’s teacher(s) and counselor to arrange
for the provision of assignments. Contact is made with the home to arrange home visits.9) How is homework picked up from school?
The Hospital Homebound teacher will collect assignments that have been left at the school in
the hospital homebound box.10) How long does each Hospital Homebound appointment last?
Each appointment lasts up to an hour depending on the needs of each student. There are
usually two appointments per week.11) What does the student do?
The student will work on assignments that he/she would do if attending regular classes in
school, using texts, worksheets, workbooks, exercises, etc. assigned by the classroom teacher(s).
If it is necessary to modify course content, this would be done in consultation with the
classroom teacher.12) What types of resources do Hospital Homebound teachers have?
Hospital Homebound teachers have access to any resources Langley students would use at their own school. Students will receive resources from classroom teachers and other school staff. Public libraries,
and the internet, are also excellent resources.13) What if a student is in a hospital not located in Langley?
Possible arrangements may be made for the teacher attached to the Hospital (if available) or
Hospital Homebound teachers from the school district where the hospital is located, to visit the
student.14) How do Hospital Homebound teachers report student progress?
Verbally/informally to student, parents, and teachers, or written reports to teachers. The
student’s teacher is still required to mark and grade assignments and student work.15) When are Hospital Homebound teachers not permitted to go into a home?
a) When a supervising adult cannot be present, and other arrangements can’t be made.
b) During infectious stages of a communicable disease.
c) When there are unsafe or unsanitary conditions.16) Where is the Hospital Homebound Teachers’ office located?
Langley School Board Office:
Learning Support Services
4875 – 222nd St Langley, B.C. V3A 3Z7
PH. 604-306-7851 or 604-655-4223. FAX. 604-532 -8954