Budget Consultation 2023-2024 Update
May 17, 2023

The Langley School District thanks all members of the community for taking part in the Budget Consultation 2023-2024. The District is pleased with the response from students, staff, and families. The data and feedback gathered will help inform our District Leadership Staff and Board with information needed to make decisions impacting education.
The survey was translated into a number of different languages, and in total, more than 2,900 responses were received, which was nearly 600 more than the District’s goal of 2,300. As well, a number of emailed responses were also received during the consultation process.
Key Findings:
- The community is engaged and passionate about the budget and education matters.
- The community prioritizes class size & composition and adequate support for all students especially those with diverse abilities and mental health needs.
- The community prioritizes literacy, social emotional learning, and numeracy.
- The community prioritizes improving classroom resources, facility upgrades & improvements, and technology.
- The community prioritizes equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives.
- The community priorities are similar to the priorities expressed in the previous year with a few changes in relation to the ranking of priorities.
Below is an overview of the survey broken down by question.
Question 1: Which best describes your relation to the District? (Please choose all application options)

Question 2: What education level is a priority for you? (Please choose all applicable options)

Question 3: The District continues to prioritize equity through the lens of inclusion in its educational and budgetary considerations. One way to do this is through the funding of targeted programs, such as Learning Support Services, Aboriginal Education and English Language Learner Programs in the annual budget. In the event that additional funding becomes available, these targeted programs will be given first priority. Below are other areas of priority that receive regular funding in the annual budget. Please choose the 3 areas that you would personally prioritize to receive additional funding, should it become available. (Please choose your top 3 options)

Question 4: Why are the above areas important to you?
Key Themes:
- Many respondents focused on class size and competition, specifically addressing support for all learners.
- Many respondents noted that more support is needed for diverse learners and the students with identified needs that stem from mental health and well-being issues.
- A need for increased mental health support was noted by many respondents.
- Many respondents suggested there needs to be increased student access to athletics, extra-curricular activities, and arts programs.
- The overall message from respondents is the desire to ensure the education and mental health support needs of students are met and that there was equity across the system.
Question 5: The following are themes under the District’s Strategic Plan pillar Educational Opportunities. From the list below, what are your priorities? (Please choose your top 3 options)

Question 6: The following are themes under the District’s Strategic Plan pillar Community Partnerships. From the list below, what are your priorities? (Please choose your top 3 options)

Question 7: The following are themes under the District’s Strategic Plan pillar Operational Priorities. From the list below, what are your priorities? (Please choose your top 3 options)

Question 8: What are your priorities for one-time funds from the accumulated operating surplus? This is referring to times when the District can spend unused operating funds from prior years. (Please choose your top 3 options)

Question 9: Please provide any additional input you have regarding the Langley School District budget 2023-2024.
Key Themes:
- One of the themes highlighted by many respondents was the need to support all students, especially those with diverse abilities.
- Many respondents also noted a need for more EAs, psychologists, speech and language pathologists and other members of the Learning Support Services department.
- Many respondents focused on growth in the District, with many comments suggesting a need to build more schools across the District (not just in Willoughby Slope) while finding strategies to cope with the increasing student population.
- Many respondents focused on staff shortages, and the need for more EAs, administrative assistants and counsellors, among other positions.
Question 10: Please provide any positive feedback you have regarding programs and services currently provided by the Langley School District.
Key Themes:
- Many respondents highlighted the care, compassion and hard work from staff at all levels.
- Many respondents were pleased with the variety of options available in the District’s Choice Programs, Career Education, athletic academies, and related learning opportunities, with many adding that their child benefits from one of the programs and it enables them to stay engaged.
- Many respondents said they appreciate the District’s equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives, and noted that they would like to see them continue.
- Many respondents noted that they are supportive and appreciative of food programs across the District.
The District will continue to review this data, which will be helpful in working with the Board to make decisions that help meet our mission “to inspire learners to reach their full potential and create a positive legacy for the future”. The District appreciates the community for their participation in this budget consultation. If you have any questions or concerns, please email feedback@sd35.bc.ca.