Thanks for the Memories: A Final Superintendent’s Blog

As I transition to retirement over the Christmas break I wanted to share one last message of gratitude and hope prior to riding into the sunset – or in the case of the lower mainland – a rainy and blustery afternoon. I have had the pleasure of being married and raising three children in the Langley community and also serving for 33 years in the Langley School District. I am very thankful for the education my children experienced and also for the numerous incredible individuals that I have had the pleasure to work with at schools and district sites. It has been great getting to work alongside staff that serve in so many different roles to support our students and staff – it is a massive infrastructure that still manages to encourage supportive relationships. The children of our Langley families are in good hands.

Despite the challenges of a pandemic and climate change, I am optimistic that 2022 will bring better times. Our resilience as a society has certainly been tested, but I remain confident we have the strength to overcome these setbacks. What has impressed me the most during the last year is the generosity and volunteerism evident to support families that have endured extensive hardship. It once again makes me thankful for my own personal circumstances.

My hope for the 2022/23 school year is that the work continues on Truth and Reconciliation, anti-racism, and establishing a more inclusive community. We also need to strengthen our ties to community agencies to ensure supports are in place to address the challenges to mental health that impact so many or our children. In addition, I look forward to cheering on from the sidelines as the Langley School District staff strive to create the conditions so that all of our children are literate and numerate upon graduation and transition on to healthy and rewarding lives. I know we have the staff and structures in place to accomplish these goals.

I wish all of the staff and families of the Langley School District a restful and joyful holiday season. Thank you for so many incredible memories.

Gord Stewart

Outgoing Superintendent