Applying for scholarships takes commitment, persistence, and organization. The District Scholarship Handbook is designed to provide students and their families with a resource to help prepare for the application process.

Scholarship Checklist

  1. Read the District Scholarship Handbook
  2.  Prepare your Comprehensive Resume
  3. Create a Personal Profile
  4.  Prepare draft Letter of Application
  5.  Prepare draft Scholarship Essay
  6. Request Letters of Reference
  7. Write notes of appreciation to those who provided you with a Letter of Reference
  8. Prepare a Scholarship Binder
    • Plastic folders with copies of: Transcript, Letters of Reference, Draft Scholarship Essay, Draft Letter of Application
  9. Prepare a Scholarship Spreadsheet  
    •  Fields may include: Deadline, Scholarship, Website, Criteria, Required Document, Status
    • Sample Scholarship Spreadsheet (right click to save Excel document)
  10.  Survey all available Scholarship Opportunities
    • Subscribe to your school’s newsletter / twitter or information system for providing students with scholarship information
  11. Review the Financial Aid section of university websites
  12. Note application deadlines in your Scholarship Spreadsheet
  13. Check parental affiliations with unions, through employment and other sources
  14. Join scholarship search databases which provide you with scholarships specific to your future plans
  15. Apply for a SIN number if you don’t already have one
  16. Submit scholarship applications by the deadline
  17. Write a thank you letter or note when you are awarded a scholarship