Do you want to prepare your child to meet the challenges of our changing world?

Are they interested in learning and communicating in French, one of Canada’s official languages?

Families are invited to attend our French Immersion Parent Information Session to learn more about one of the District’s Choice Programs. This high demand program is offered at two levels available for student entry including Early Immersion, Late Immersion, with both programs continuing in Secondary Immersion. In this session you will learn more about the program, benefits for students and their families, expectations inside and outside of the classroom, and the registration process. Our District’s French Immersion and Modern Languages staff will be able to provide you with additional information and resources, as well as help answer any questions you may have.  

Late Immersion Online Parent Info Session (Entry to Grade 6)

Date: Oct. 15
Time: 6:30 p.m.

To register for the session and receive additional info including a link to the online meeting, please complete this Expression of Interest form HERE.

For more information, email: Joanne Neveux ( or Beth Cairnie (