Occupational therapists are medically trained therapists who assist children in the development of their skills in the areas of occupational performance: productivity, self-care, leisure and physical abilities. They work with children with physical disabilities, delayed development and weak fine and gross motor skills. They serve as consultants to school personnel and parents. In addition, they recommend specialized equipment for students to provide for their needs in the areas of self-care, positioning and mobility both at school and at home.

The physiotherapist is also a medically trained therapist. The physiotherapist assists children in the development of their gross motor skills so that they can maintain their posture and position. The physiotherapist teaches muscle stretching programs to prevent muscles from becoming contracted and programs for children to develop their movement abilities. The physiotherapist designs adapted PE programs and individual gross motor programs. The physiotherapist’s primary responsibility is to support children with physical disabilities, however, they are also available to consult with schools about children with weak gross motor skills. The physiotherapist serves in a consultative capacity similar to the occupational therapist. Occupational and physiotherapists are responsible for ordering equipment for use in the schools.