To find out about all of the Early Years Programming that Langley Schools has to offer, take a look at our Early Learning Programs Guide which will be posted in September 2023.
StrongStart is FREE (funded by the Ministry) for all Langley children ages 0-5. StrongStart Facilitators are ECE-trained school district employees. This program is offered at nine schools across the Langley School District with morning and afternoon sessions available. For more information on the program as well as times and locations, visit the StrongStart page.
Intended for families with three to five-year-old children, Ready, Set, Learn (RSL) provides good information about how to support a young child’s early learning and development. It also fosters positive connections between families, the school system, and local community agencies.
Attend a free Ready, Set, Learn event in your community. Families who attend take part in play-based activities while finding out about early learning programs and services. Continue to check this webpage here for updates on Ready, Set, Learn programming in our District.
To access other helpful early learning resources, check out our Early Learning Framework: A Guide for Families webpage here and Let’s Play webpage here.
In Langley, we offer Ready, Set, Learn as Gifts and Gatherings

Helping to support our families with children aged 0-6, the Langley Early Years Centre is located at Willoughby Elementary (entrance across from school playground). Parents and families are able to connect to early learning, health and family services in one convenient location. All are welcome to drop by and discover the services available.

With the Langley School District being a fast-growing District, our schools continue to welcome new Kindergarten students. Families can access information about Kindergarten Registration and helpful resources on our Kindergarten Welcome page below.