Aboriginal Program Overview

The Ministry of Education provides school districts with funding to offer an Aboriginal Program. The amount of funding is directly related to the number of Aboriginal students who identify themselves in a particular school district.

1. Who is an Aboriginal Student?

The Ministry of Education defines an Aboriginal Student as:  A student who is identified by his/her family as having Metis, Inuit or First Nations ancestry. It is not necessary to have “status” to be considered an Aboriginal student.

2. Aboriginal Advisory Committee

The Ministry of Education requires that school districts administer their Aboriginal Program with the guidance of an Aboriginal Advisory Committee. This committee must have representation from the local Aboriginal Community. Langley’s Aboriginal Advisory Committee meets monthly, and has the following membership:

-Representatives from the School District: A School Trustee and Aboriginal Program Staff

-Representatives from the Aboriginal Community: Kwantlen First Nation, Katzie First Nation, Matsqui First Nation, the Waceya Metis Society, and the Lower Fraser Valley Aboriginal Society representing the urban Aboriginal community.

3. Goals of the Langley Aboriginal Program:

-To offer all learners an opportunity to gain a greater awareness of Aboriginal culture and history.

-To offer academic and/or personal support to Aboriginal students, if requested.

4. Services Provided by the Aboriginal Program:

Student Support

Aboriginal Support Workers are present in all schools. They are available to provide additional personal and/or academic support to Aboriginal ancestry students. Our Aboriginal Education Teacher assists Support Workers to develop individual intervention plans for students needing support.

Cultural Awareness

Cultural Awareness activities are offered in two different formats:

  • Inclusive Cultural Programs
    • A district-wide program brings Aboriginal Presenters into the classrooms to share their culture with all students through a variety of hands-on experiences. Specific presentations are available at each grade level that are tied to the Prescribed Learning Outcomes of the regular school curriculum. Teachers are invited to book these activities for their entire class to enjoy.
  • Cultural Enrichment Programs
    • Programs are available that provide students of Aboriginal ancestry with an opportunity to come together to learn about their culture and history.


Our Aboriginal Curriculum Resource Teacher provides support in the areas of curriculum and professional development. They have created resources to address the Aboriginal Outcomes of the new Science Curriculum, provided our Aboriginal Support Workers with training to enhance the early literacy, and math skills of their students.

Professional Development

Workshop sessions are offered to district staff, that provide information regarding Aboriginal culture and history, and introduce new Aboriginal resource materials.