Willoughby Slope Middle School Registration

January 28, 2019

To the Parent/Guardians of the RE Mountain Family of Schools

Re: Middle School Registration

As you are aware, the Willoughby Slope is a dynamic and growing community. This growth has had an impact on our families as they have settled into the school year. Some students are currently attending schools outside of their catchment. While this may not have been the plan, we also know students have made friends, built relationships and become part of the community they are attending.

We recognize that for some families, the desire is to return to a catchment school. To this end, every effort will be made for your child to remain in the preferred elementary school. There may be occasions where physical space limitations may override our ability to honour that choice. Should you wish to return to your catchment school, YOU MUST REGISTER AT THE CATCHMENT SCHOOL NO LATER THAN MARCH 31st. This will provide the best opportunity for your child for the 2019-2020 school year.

Please know that with the opening of the new middle school (Peter Ewart) boundaries for middle schools on the Willoughby Slope have changed. While we understand the desire to keep students with their current cohort, we must also be mindful of enrolment and space availability in the coming years. To this end, we have set the following guidelines for middle school enrolment:

  • If your child is currently in Grade 3, 4 or 5 (graduation years 2027, 2026, 2025), your child will be able to attend the middle school in the catchment for the elementary school they are attending at the end of Grade 5.For example, if your home school is Richard Bulpitt but your child is attending Langley Meadows in Grade 5, they would transition to Peter Ewart Middle as this is the catchment middle school for Langley Meadows.
  • If your child is currently in Kindergarten, Grade 1 or Grade 2 (graduation years 2030, 2029, 2028), your child will be attending the middle school in the catchment for their home address. In order to keep families together, siblings will be permitted to attend the same school.

Please understand that should you choose to have your child attend a middle school outside of your home catchment, transportation to and from school will be the responsibility of families and bussing will not be provided.

We are mindful that there may be extenuating circumstances which would require exceptions to these guidelines. If you have any questions, please contact your school principal.


Gord Stewart
Superintendent of Schools