Students talk about their experience at Powerplay

April 17, 2018

Alex Hope hosted its Powerplay entrepreneurial event on Thursday April 13. Students sold a variety of products, including earbud holders, hacky-sacks, and kazoos. Ten per cent of all sales were donated to the local SPCA.

Here are a few of the student responses to taking part in such an amazing program.

““They are earbud holders.  I got my idea from Pinterest and then my mom helped me a tiny bit in making them.  It took a lot of work – most of spring break.  My target audience is mostly older kids, but some younger ones have headphones too.”

“Having variety in your product is important, but it is also important to have a good amount of units of each.”

“People always lose their pencils so I thought this would be a good idea.  I made slime last year and I sold a lot.”

“My advice for other kids is go with what you want to do [when making your product].”

When asked how it feels to sell out of his product:
“It feels really good!  We just opened and broke even right away!”

Check out student entrepreneurial work from across the district with this year’s first IDEA Summit on Tuesday, May 8 from 9:15 to 3:30 at the Langley Events Centre.