Student organizes community support for World Diabetes Day

November 13, 2019

How someone deals with crisis can tell a lot about them. In one HD Stafford student’s case, Sydney took action when her baby sister was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. “My best friend Lucy and I’s families have both been greatly effected by the diagnoses of Type 1 diabetes,” says Sydney. “Lucy’s mom and grandpa were diagnosed in their 20’s and my baby sister Emy at age 2, almost lost her life last year to the complications of Type 1 diabetes.”

To help support those around her who live with diabetes, Sydney has taken the initiative to her school community at HD Stafford. She is also reaching beyond Stafford, to encourage support at James Hill as well, where her middle-sister, Sienna attends.

This Thursday, November 14, is World Diabetes Day. Sydney plans to use this opportunity to raise awareness and money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Already she has been promoting this year’s #TypeOnesie events, where kids can come to school wearing pyjamas or a onesie if they donate, as Sydney puts it, “in solidarity”.

“Our goal is to one day make this an annual fun fundraising & awareness event in all schools and communities across BC until a cure is found,” says Sydney.

She is hoping to raise at least six-hundred dollars for Diabetes research, in support of her family and her friend Lucy’s family.

You’re doing amazing work for your family and community, Sydney!

If you’d like to support her, follow this link to help donate.