School Site Acquisition Charge (SSAC) Request for Public Feedback
June 16, 2021
The Langley School District is inviting the public to provide feedback on the proposal to increase the School Site Acquisition Charge (SSAC), which is a fee under the Local Government Act. The purpose of the charge is to collect funds from new developments which the District uses to purchase land for capital projects in the future. The charge is collected by the City of Langley and Township of Langley on the District’s behalf. The last District review of the SSAC was in 2014. As part of the process to update the SSAC, the Board is required to adopt the Eligible School Sites, which is a list of schools proposed for the next ten years.
On Tuesday, June 15, 2021, the Langley Board of Education passed the following motion:
That the Board of Education serves Notice of Motion to the District’s education community and its education partner groups that it intends to approve the Eligible School Sites resolution at the September 21, 2021 Regular Board Meeting.
The next step in the process involves collecting public feedback on the proposal to update the SSAC.
The following documents below are provided for your background and to help you understand the proposal.
School Site Acquisition Site (SSAC) – Staff Report
Eligible School Sites Resolution
Please send in your comments by email to no later than September 13, 2021.
It is important to note responses will not be sent to respondents as the District is gathering information only.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Judy Swanson in the Secretary-Treasurer’s office (604-532-1476) or email: