Remembrance Day in Langley Schools

November 23, 2016

Remembrance Day was recognized in all Langley Schools with assemblies and ceremonies and some have shared some pictures and projects.

At Richard Bulpitt Elementary, parents Sgt. Rowan and RCMP Officer Simons visited their children’s school in uniform as part of Remembrance ceremonies. Principal Lucy Lenko provided this picture.


At WGSS, students were presented with a video produced by two of their peers. Ethan Eigenfeldt and Kevin Kim produced Make This Year Different and Principal George Kozlovic shared it as a ‘key element’ in their ceremony. A fabulous video that tells a poignant story and highlights the talents of some Langley students.

Students at Yorkson Creek Middle School and James Hill Elementary School worked together on this terrific project. Together these students have sent almost 580 Christmas cards to Canadian soldiers serving overseas.  This marks the 9th year of the project and it is estimated that over this time period, Langley schools have sent about 4,000 Christmas cards to Canadian soldiers serving in the Middle East and Europe.

YCMS Grade 6 teacher Rosalind Cloutier has spearheaded this effort and is very proud of this heart-warming example of Langley students’ global citizenship and gratitude for the service of our troops.

soldier cards.jpg