Lynn Fripps students showcase their STEM learning

June 11, 2018

Robots, games, 3d printing, oh my!

Grade 1 to 5 students at Lynn Fripps Elementary were showcasing their STEM learning from the year. STEM is an acronym that means “Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics”, and students have been applying these forms of learning through various applications, and experiments.

Some students shared their home-made video games, with boards showing what coding they used to build it. Others showcased their robot programming skills, their applied science problem solving, and much more.

There was a station for students to create stop-motion-animations, using iPads to piece together the individual images taken into a short film. Some students had connected video games to controllers designed out of various objects such as bananas, and bits of paper.

There were showcases on vehicle design, electronic engineering, scientific problems around friction, and much more.

Students from around the school came out to view the showcases and experience the learning other students have been experiencing since the beginning of the year.