Local artist-in-residence connects Kwantlen and Brookswood
May 11, 2016
Kwantlen First Nations artist Phyllis Atkins has nearly completed a work in oil that will be on display in the front office area of Brookswood Secondary. The work was done in the front foyer where students asked questions while watching the progress of the piece as the canvas came to life. Even the themes in the painting came from students – Phyllis talked to a First Nations 12 class and an Art class before settling on her subject matter. The salmon came from students who talked about the community at Brookswood and how salmon are born in the river, leave and grow up in the ocean and then come back – not unlike students that start at school, go off to see the world but keep that connection to where they come from. Also, BSS has a very large number of teachers and staff that were once students at the school – rumoured to be one of the highest ‘return’ rates in the District. Several groups of students commented on the BSS community and family ties which brought Phyllis to the idea of incorporating the wolf. “The wolf in the design represents family, leadership and the teacher” said Phyllis, “Also, from our Kwantlen crest – we come from the wolf”. There’s also a balance in male and female energy The male wolf is depicted with Grandmother Moon above him and the female salmon is depicted with Grandfather Moon above her. The seven salmon eggs represent the seven Traditional Laws: Health, Happiness, Generations, Generosity, Humility, Forgiveness and Understanding.