LFAS Treble Choir to Perform with VSO, UBC Choirs

January 17, 2017

The Langley Fine Arts Treble Choir is busy preparing for a wonderful opportunity to perform with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra and UBC Choirs in Jeffery Ryan’s Afghanistan: Requiem for a Generation. The LFAS Treble Choir is made up of students from the dance, drama, writing, visual art and music disciplines at LFA and the group is very excited about this most recent opportunity to perform. Singers in the choir have close relatives and friends affected by the Canadian war effort, making this performance and subject matter especially poignant for them. Choir Director and LFAS Teacher Jim Sparks shared a number of connections including a senior art project from 2007 with LFAS Teacher Peter Sarganis where students and Mr. Sarganis developed a project that involved gathering information and memories before painting portraits of Canadian war dead that were then shared with the families of those lost.

The performance is Friday, January 27th at the Orpheum Theatre and ticket information is available at www.vancouversymphony.ca.