Le Réveillon at Alex Hope

December 20, 2017

Students in Late French Immersion celebrated the eleventh annual Réveillon on Friday, December 8 to begin the festive season. Supported by parent volunteers and served by Mme Guyanne Inoue’s class, guests enjoyed a delicious meal consisting of soupe à l’amitié (Friendship Soup), tourtière (meat pie) and bûche de Noël (chocolate cake in the shape of a log).  Grade 6 and 7 classes entertained classmates with a Canadian version of The Twelve Days of Christmas, Feliz Navidad and Vive le Vent (Jingle Bells).

Le Réveillon gets its name from the verb réveiller (wake up) and refers to the special family meal following midnight mass. Some communities also host a Réveillon on New Year’s Eve.

Joyeux Noël!