Langley students participate in community strategizing workshop

November 22, 2018

What are the issues facing the Township these days? Well, a group of more than sixty leadership students from schools around the district came together to brainstorm about the state of Langley’s community.

They tackled three main topics: housing, transportation, and mental health. These topics were formed through months of focus thinking with students and community members earlier this year. Now, the leadership students put their heads together in groups to identify three main issues for each topic.


Three top issues were picked for each category. They were as follows: affordability (housing), homes for at-risk people (housing), environment & infrastructure (housing), scheduling & reliability (transportation), safety (transportation), pricing (transportation), stigma & awareness (mental health), accessible resources & support (mental health), and sustainable use issues (mental health).

For each of these items, students formulated solutions through action plans. They will then be tasked to follow through with their plans over the next two years.

The event was organized by the Township of Langley in partnership with the Langley School District, along with the participation of BC Healthy Communities, and Modus.They facilitated the discussions and lead the students through a day of community minded learning.

The Township was granted funding by PlanH, a partnership between BC Healthy Communities and the BC Ministry of Health, for the workshop.