Langley Students Explore Pathways to the Future
February 7, 2024

‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ is a common question asked of students.
But instead, it might be better to ask ‘Who do you want to be?’
It’s that question that the Langley School District wants to help students answer for themselves.
As students in Langley continue with their education, they reach a point in the middle and secondary school level where career opportunities are presented to them.
Secondary students from across the District got a chance to learn, explore and ask questions about those options during a Career Education open house last week.
The event, called Pathways to the Future, was held at Walnut Grove Secondary, and gave students and families the opportunity to discover trades and other academic dual-credit options that are available to them as they prepare for post-secondary.
Currently, the District offers Youth TRAIN in Trades programs in carpentry, automotive service technician, electrical, hairstylist, landscape horticulture, piping/plumbing, and professional cook 1.
“What we’re hoping is that we can expand the knowledge base of people so they know about the pathways that are there for kids in career education,” said Kendra Simonetto, district principal of Instructional Services. “One of our hopes for students and families is that the student leaves with a better understanding of the path that they might want to take, and who they want to be in this world.”
Interest in trades opportunities and education is continuing to grow, Simonetto noted, adding that the province has pledged to created more than 85,000 trades-related jobs over the next 10 years.
The District is also focused on dual-credit programs – in which students earn post-secondary credits tuition-free while still in secondary school – that are not only trades-based but also academic, including the early childhood education program and the health sciences course, Simonetto added.
However, no matter the path that a student chooses, events such as Pathways to the Future are just the first stepping stone to a number of other educational and experiential offerings in the District, including certifications, tours, work and volunteer opportunities, apprenticeships and other initiatives.
The Pathways to the Future event was not limited to District programs, either. A.number of post-secondary institutions also had booths set up at the event. Staff members and program alumni happy to answer questions from students and parents.
“It’s a one-stop shop to learn about pathways to future student success,” Simonetto said.
For more information on student opportunities and the District’s trades and dual-credit offerings, visit the Career Education website by clicking here.