Langley schools celebrate retiring principals
June 30, 2017
The end of the year celebrations finished on June 29th across the Langley District. For many schools, it means an assembly and a recognition of achievement for the year gone by. However, for some school principals, it was also the passing of a torch.
It was such a year for Frank Roberto at Gordon Greenwood, Cathy Anderson at RC Garnett, and Kelly Paddock at Alex Hope. They spent their assemblies talking about the memories they had with the students over the past year.
Kelly Paddock has been at Alex Hope for eight years, she had known the grade sevens since their kindergarten year. It was an emotional send-off, as the grade sevens were dismissed for the day and the grade sixes took their place on the benches in a tradition that Alex Hope has done for years.
At RC Garnett, Cathy Anderson was gifted balloons —filled with letters from each division—, a painting with each student’s thumb print as the leaves of a tree, and a book signed by the entire staff. She was given a comfy seat of honour. The staff then serenaded her with the song “I Will Survive”, dancing included.
Frank Roberto, at Gordon Greenwood, has spent the last week celebrating his retirement with staff and students, concluding it with an assembly where he handed out awards to students along with Acting Superintendent Gord Stewart, and District Principal Sam Muraca.
The principals were sure to thank their staff for their hard work, and honoured other staff members and teachers who are moving to other schools.
The Langley School District congratulates and honours the retiring principals, teachers, and staff this summer, and wishes them all the best.