Langley Celebrates its 110th

June 15, 2019

“Today is a bittersweet opportunity to walk these halls again for many, probably for the last time as the original parts of the school will soon be torn down,” said Langley Secondary Principal, Marcello Moino during the LSS 110th anniversary last Saturday.” This is the last chance to physically point out the rooms, hallways, lockers and so on and laugh.”

Thousands of past Langley Secondary grads of all generations visited the school to reminisce. Classic cars parked out front to set the atmosphere outside, while inside, rooms were decorated with different decades’ artifacts and photographs. Visitors spent time finding their younger selves and sharing memories with one another.

“I know this space has been well served and not just since 1949 as it turns out, but as Langley Highschool as 1909,” said City of Langley Mayor, Val van den Broek. “Think about that.  That’s a really long time.  I can’t imagine how excited everyone must have been when that discovery was made, because it is pretty exciting. So that means that this area, where we are standing has been serving Langley families for 110 years. That’s 110 years of supporting students in achieving their goals and preparing them for the rest of their lives.”

The oldest grad in attendance that day graduated in 1952: David Stafford, son of H.D Stafford, the middle school’s namesake.

“I was a track star,” said Stafford. “I won the 100-yard dash in 1952, the day we graduated at UBC.  I have a picture of it.  That night we had to come back here (to LSS) because of graduation. We had camaraderie.  We were young.  We were learning to be people. [This event] brings back so many memories.”

Following the archival showcase, the Langley School District Foundation hosted a VIP dinner, with proceeds going towards a LSS 110th anniversary scholarship for future graduates of the high-school.

During the summer, older sections of the school are going to be torn down for the next stage of ongoing renovations. So, this really will have been the last time that many past graduates will be able to walk the halls they remember.