Garden Towers to grow food for Breakfast Programs
October 4, 2018
It may be harvest season, but four schools in the district have been busy planting gardens.
The Langley School District Foundation recently purchased nine Garden Towers for distribution to four schools. The towers may look like something out of a science fiction film, but they allow food-producing plants to grow in small pots up a lit tower.
The tower has timers set to self-regulate watering and light, so that plants have optimal growing conditions. Though, some care is still needed such as refilling water and monitoring nutrient levels and pH.
Vegetables and fruits, when harvested, will be used to supplement the food provided by the schools’ breakfast programs.
Aldergrove Community Secondary, James Hill Elementary, Wix Brown Elementary, and Yorkson Creek Middle each set up a selection of these towers. Classes in each school have been preparing seedlings for transplant into the towers.
The gardens will be regularly maintained by students and teachers at each school site.