Fundy Choir works together from afar to create musical celebration for 2020 Grads

May 15, 2020

We Won’t Stop Dreaming “was created to highlight how our community has come together and to congratulate the graduates of this year,” says Langley Fundamental Middle/Secondary Teacher Kristi Robertson.

“There are about 40 different voices in it, from Langley Fundamental Elementary, Langley Children’s Choir, Langley Secondary, and Langley Fundamental Middle/Secondary as well as the music teachers and Fundy alumni.”

Robertson took all of the sound files submitted to her and compiled them using a music program called Garage Band. The choir arrangement is a cover of a song written by Pinkzebra, a royalty-free music producer.

The purpose behind this recording? To dedicate something to the grads of 2020, and to build community. “I am hoping this video will inspire our community to focus on the positives amidst all the things around us. To give us all hope and encouragement!” says Robertson. “We are all in this together and together we will get through this!”

Since the end of Spring Break this year, classes have been conducted online. Though, music classes have had to adapt differently than other academic practices.

“Teaching online is not the same as in person,” says Robertson. “Especially for music. Our entire program thrives off of the personal connections we make with each other. We become a family. I cannot express how much I miss being in the classroom and seeing everyone and hearing their voices. There is no class like music, where you all come together and work towards one project as a class with up to 60 people and perform it in front of hundreds.”