From the Langley Board of Education: Happy Holidays!

December 14, 2022

Before we leave for winter break, the Langley Board of Education would like to take a moment to pause, reflect, and celebrate our successes as a system.

We recognize this was another year of challenges, transitions, and the return to more traditional ways of operating. We witnessed our District staff continue to find solutions to manage the unprecedented growth in our schools. Staff have helped strengthen relationships with existing community partners like Foundry Langley.

We have also seen staff work hard to mitigate the lasting impacts of the pandemic and inflation, which is affecting many of our families. The Board is also pleased to see District and school staff work together to roll out the province’s Affordability Fund to help those who may need additional support. These are just some examples of the work being done to help make a difference in the lives of children and youth in our District. We are proud to see our school communities continue to come together to support one another.

As trustees, we want to extend our gratitude to students, staff, and families for welcoming our new Board to the school community. We look forward to working together to develop a new strategic plan complete with goals and strategies that inspire all learners to reach their full potential and create a positive legacy for the future.

We are committed to creating healthy, safe, learning environments where every individual has a sense of belonging.

On behalf of the Langley Board of Education, we wish you and your loved ones a healthy, safe, and joyful winter break. Looking ahead to 2023, we hope everyone has positive start to the new year.

Candy Ashdown, Chairperson
Langley Board of Education