Brookswood students awarded $5000 grant for local charity

March 19, 2018

On Monday March 5, Brookswood Secondary participated in its final Youth Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) presentations, during which 9 groups of Grade 10 students presented about important social issues and charities in the community . As research, students visited the charities they chose to support in order to learn about the work they do. They then constructed their presentations based on their findings. A panel of judges then voted on a winner, awarding the charity they supported with a $5000 grant.  The grant is provided by YPI, from Ontario.

Students presented on many different charities including: Brookswood Senior Centre, Starfish Backpacks, and the Semiahmoo Animal League.

The winner of the grant, however was for PAWS (Pacific Assistance Dogs Society), presented by Brooke and Maria.