Board News: Tuesday, October 27, 2015
October 28, 2015
Honouring of Former Trustee Diane Pona
Former Trustee Diane Pone was honoured by the Board of Education after recently passing away. Board Chair Robert McFarlane remember Ms. Pona as “…an ally, a friend, a motivator” and highlighted the great passion she brought to educational issues and her service to the Langley School Board of Education. Former Trustee Candy Ashdown, Diane Pona’s daughter, also served on the Board of Education and was in attendance at the meeting.
Presentation: 50 Year Employee Elaine Hough
Elaine Hough of the Payroll Department was recognized by the Board of Education for her 50 years of service to the staff and students of the Langley School District. Elaine began her career at the School Board Office shortly after graduating from Langley Secondary School in 1965. Elaine was joined by the staff in her department and a number of family members as she was presented flowers and a small gift by Board Chair Robert McFarlane.
Presentation: BC Hydro Award
BC Hydro has identified Langley School District #35 as one of the Top 10 BC Hydro customers – and the Top Customer in the Education Sector – when it comes to the level of engagement in energy efficient projects, Power Smart Program offerings and Energy Manager participation. Senior Key Account Manager Wayne Cousins addressed the Board of Education and explained that Langley Schools earned ‘credits’ for the various activities listed above and when they were calculated, the District came out on top in its sector and top 10 in the province. The Top 10 ranking comes with several accolades, including a full-colour profile of the Langley District activities in BC Business magazine. District Manager of Energy, Environment and Special Projects Karen Wagner was awarded a plaque in recognition of her work and Mr Cousins went on to comment that a lot of the District success in the program has been “…largely due to the work of Karen and her team”.
Presentation: DW Poppy Secondary – Social Thinking Program
DW Poppy Principal Balan Moorthy introduced the Social Thinking for At-Risk Students, or S.T.A.R.S., program being developed by Vice-principal Dean Pacheco and teachers Mark Donkers and Brendan Kwiatkowski. The program was started with a grant of $9800 as a result of a partnership between the Civil Forfeiture Office, Victim Services and Crime Prevention Division and the Ministry of Justice. The S.T.A.R.S. program goals include developing better social, communication and coping skills, a decrease in the number of at-risk behaviours, working on healthy relationships, increasing emotional awareness and intelligence and improving the quality of personal and academic endeavours.
Superintendent’s Report: Cross District Student Leadership Forum
In April of 2015 the Langley School District hosted the annual Cross District Student Leadership Forum at the Langley Events Centre. Five other Fraser Valley districts sent student representatives to the event organized by Langley District teacher Lara Petrie. Over 100 middle and secondary students attended the forum to follow up on the themes recognized at the original forum 3 years ago. Of the three themes (passion, personalization and purpose), this forum focussed on passion. Read the report online or visit Prezi to view Superintendent Suzanne Hoffman’s presentation.
Superintendent’s Report: District Calendar 2016-2019 (3 Year Plan)
The Board of Education has passed a motion to begin the consultation process for the District Calendars for 2016-2017, 2017-2018 and 2018-2019. In past calendar consultations alignment with neighbouring districts has been a major concern and efforts are being made to keep Spring and Winter Break times consistent across the region. View the draft calendars and provide feedback on the 2016-2019 District Calendars here.
Superintendent’s Report: Montessori Program Update
The Board of Education has passed a motion that approves the Montessori Program at Uplands Elementary include students in Kindergarten through grade 6 on an ongoing basis. The Montessori program has been in operation at Uplands since 2003 and the program has grown steadily. For the past 2 years the program has included grade 6 students but this has been continued on a year-by-year basis until now.
K-9 Curriculum Implementation
Assistant Superintendent Gordon Stewart provided a summary of the BCTF and Ministry of Education three-year support plan for the new K-12 curriculum. As part of the plan there will be targeted time and funding for teachers to support the implementation. Ten hours of non-instructional time will be added to the 2015-2016 school year and provincial funding will be provided to support implementation of the new curriculum.
Bill 22: Education Improvement Act (Classes over 30)
Grades 4-12 classes cannot exceed 30 students except in special circumstances such as being appropriate for student learning or in a prescribed category. Classes such as adult or continuing education, alternate programs or band, for example, are not subject to the 30 student limit. Classes listed in the attached presentation are over 30 students and, in those cases, consultations have occurred between Administration and the Teachers and the class has been found to be appropriate for student learning.
Bill 22: Education Improvement Act (Learning Improvement Fund)
The Langley School District’s allocation for 2015-2016 is a total funding of $3,386,225. Support Staff funding of $677,245 has been allocated to CUPE in the form of additional hours for SEAs in schools and, in a preliminary agreement with LTA President Gail Chaddock-Costello and Superintendent Suzanne Hoffman, the Education Fund of $2,708,980 has been distributed.
Secretary Treasurer’s Report: Five Year Capital Plan 2015-2016
The Board of Education passed a motion to approve the Five Year Capital Plan 2015-2016 as presented.
Secretary Treasurer’s Report: Enrolment Report–Funding Update
The Board of Education passed a motion to receive the Enrolment Report–Funding Update as presented.