Board News: Tuesday, November 27, 2018
November 27, 2018
The Regular Meeting of the Langley Board of Education will be streamed live beginning at 7:00pm. A link to the video feed will be posted here in Board News just prior to the start of the meeting.
Board Meeting Summary
Superintendent’s Reports
- Strategic Plan Development Timeline – The Board of Education passed a motion to approve the timeline for the development of the District’s Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan final draft will be brought before the Board at their Regular Meeting April 30, 2019. The Strategic Plan establishes priorities and actions with respect to educational opportunities for students proactive planning for maintaining and upgrading facilities, responsible stewardship of resources, creating a supportive and positive culture for employees, and strengthening relationships with community groups. The video below will begin on this agenda item.
- English Language Learners (ELL) Department/Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS) Program Update – The English Language Learning (ELL) Department and Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS) program play an important role in supporting our English language learners and newcomers in Langley schools. In doing so, we also help to promote our District Vision to make the Langley School District an “Inclusive and Accepting Culture.” Our District data reflects a growing immigrant population in Langley. In 2018, one in five Langley students was identified as speaking another language in the home. Our largest language group is Korean followed by Chinese speakers. Primarily, our District is most culturally diverse in the Willoughby Slope area, Downtown Langley, Walnut Grove and in the Aldergrove region. The video below will begin on this agenda item.
Secretary Treasurer’s Reports
- Budget Process and Timeline (2019/2020 Preliminary Operating Budget) – In an attempt to engage the school community in earlier discussions of the budget and to allow time for more thorough analysis of matters that will impact the budget, the District Leadership Team has decided to bring the draft process forward to the November Regular Meeting of the Board. The Board has the opportunity to defer final approval to the January Regular Meeting should it decide more work is required. The video below will begin on this agenda item.
- Final Enrolment Report – The 1701 data collection process at the end of September provides significant information about the student enrolment in the District, both in terms of headcount and full time equivalents (FTEs). The total student enrolment for September 2018 is 22,461 up from 22,314 in September 2017. The video below will begin on this agenda item.
- Enrolment Report-Funding Update – Included in this update is a chart comparing the Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) enrolment projections provided to the Ministry in February and the FTEs used in the budget with the actual final enrolments as at September 30, 2018, as identified in the recently completed 1701 data collection process. Ministry of Education projections showed funding at $179,008,342 while actual 1701 data shows funding levels at 179,319,678. Overall, total Ministry of Education funding varies $311,336 from projection totals. The video below will begin on this agenda item.
- Enrolment Report by Catchment – The Secretary Treasurer provided a PowerPoint presentation which illustrated the changes in the headcount of students this year compared to 2017. The presentation was be by catchment; school; Ministry funded students; and, International students. Overall the District’s headcount of school aged students has increased by 157 students, with 176 more Ministry funded students and 19 less International students. The video below will begin on this agenda item.
New Business
The video below will begin on this agenda item.
Trustee Comments
The video below will begin on this agenda item.