Board News: Tuesday, March 7, 2017

March 8, 2017

Superintendent Reports

Framework for Enhanced Student Learning – District Numeracy Plan

A/Superintendent Gord Stewart introduced Deanna Lightbody and Kim Cline, leaders in mathematics from the Instructional Services Team, to share the District Numeracy Plan. The District Numeracy Plan outlines how to best meet the needs of student achievement and teacher growth. Math instruction in K-8 has been targeted and Ms Lightbody and Ms Cline are working to build a common language of instruction for teachers and reaching out across the district to ensure all schools have the core foundational elements, the big ideas, of the District Numeracy Plan.

Action Items: Douglas Park Community School Calendar

At the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education on February 21, 2017, the Board passed a motion directing district staff to undertake a consultation on an alternate calendar for Douglas Park Community School. The community has undertaken many conversations around possible changes to the current calendar and based on that feedback, the community at Douglas Park are supportive of aligning the Douglas Park Community School calendar with the currently approved District calendar, commencing September 2017. The Douglas Park community is excited about this opportunity for a few reasons including aligning calendars within families where one student attends Douglas Park while another attends HD Stafford, as well as, the access families will have to many more of the Summer Sessions being offered in the district.

Information Items: Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement Update

The Langley School District is in the second year of the current Aboriginal Education Enhancement
Agreement (AEEA) with the Aboriginal Community and the Ministry of Education. A/Superintendent Gord Stewart introduced Micheal Morgan, District Principal of the Aboriginal Program, to update the Board on two of the main goals within the AEEA:

Goal #1:

Establishing trusting, respectful, partnerships between schools, the School District, and Aboriginal community, acknowledging shared responsibility to implement the Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement.

Some Highlighted Indicators of Success or Areas for Improvement: 

  1. District Employees Understanding, ex: employees participate in Kairos Blanket Exercise.
  2. Review of school Action Plans. Few mention Aboriginal Programs.
  3. Dedicated space in schools for the Aboriginal Program. Most have dedicated space.

Goal #2:

Working together as a team to create strength-based personalized, student-centered, learning that respects Aboriginal history, cultural values and nurtures a sense of belonging for the success of all Aboriginal students.

Some Highlighted Indicators of Success or Areas for Improvement: 

  1. Grade to Grade Transitions. Transition to grade 12 decreased from last year’s all-time high; completion equity between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students widened.
  2. Future Completion Rates. Specific groups of students are targeted for further support based on a number of data points.
  3. Attendance – elementary attendance rates have remained unchanged while secondary attendance has only been collected for this year in and effort to establish a baseline.
  4. Students experiencing success at their school of choice.
  5. Appropriate supports for students identified as having special needs – data suggests that Aboriginal students are not on track to experience equitable outcomes compared to their non-Aboriginal peers.

Information Items: Annual Review of District French Programs

Claire Guy, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, introduced Ellen Bornowsky, District Teacher of Modern Languages to update the Board on French Programs within the district. Included in the update are core French and Immersion Programs. There are 1,542 students in French Immersion programs in the district (early and late) K-12 which shows an increase over last year of 94 students. There are 7,050 students receiving Core French in grades 5-12 throughout the district, an increase in 271 students.

Information Items: Refugee Update

Karen Beatty, District Vice-Principal for ELL and SWIS, provided the Board with an update on 156 Syrian refugee families that have joined the district since March 2016. Of those families, 66 new students have been enrolled into district schools, with almost half (29) in Douglas Park Elementary, the next largest group is in Parkside Centennial (10), with the remaining 9 at HD Stafford.  The district has assigned two SWIS (Settlement Worker in Schools) employees to Douglas Park and they are assisting families and students with interpretation, conflict resolution and life skills. The ELL (English Language Learner) department has also increased supports at HD Stafford and the Aldergrove region to support families new to Canada. Special instruction has been arranged for students over spring break to further boost their English language skills.

Secretary Treasurer’s Reports: Action Items

  • Policy No. 3840 – New School SItes
    • A motion was passed to adopt revisions to Policy No. 3840 – New School Sites so that the language of the policy better reflects the current process and practice involved in acquiring new school sites.
  • Policy No. 5004 – Vaccination Records
    • A motion was passed to adopt the new Policy No. 5004 – Vaccination Records. The new policy does not state whether vaccinations are required or not, only that a record of vaccination status is received.

Secretary Treasurer’s Reports: Budget Update

Secretary Treasurer David Green presented a budget update to the Board of Education outlining the budget development process, the timeline of the budget, cost pressures and year-to-date status among other topics. A ‘status quo’ budget concept has been utilized that starts with the Amended Budget, provides the same level of services and programs, takes into account enrolment changes, removes one-time amended budget items, takes into account Ministry funding formula changes and adjusts for local revenue decisions. Overall the district is in a stable position with regard to the budget.