Board News: Tuesday June 18, 2019

June 18, 2019

The Regular Meeting of the Langley Board of Education is streamed live beginning at 7:00pm. A link to the video is posted here in Board News.


Secretary Treasurer’s Reports

2019/2020 Annual Budget

A summary of the 2019/2020 Annual Budget was presented and summarized by Secretary Treasurer Brian Iseli. The Board of Education approved a motion directing staff to appropriate $1,734,978 of unrestricted surplus to balance the operating fund for 2019/2020. The Board of Education also approved a motion for staff to appropriate (unrestrict) the following restricted surplus amounts to balance the operating fund for 2019/2020: 450,000 District Initiative to Support Technology. Lastly, the Board of Education approved the Annual Budget Bylaw. The Annual Budget Bylaw, which is the expenditure for all funds, is a total of $251,934,582. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

2020/2021 Capital Plan

Secretary-Treasurer Brian Iseli presented a summary of the 2020/2021 Capital Plan. He explained how school districts have to approve these funds every five years and the data has to be submitted to the province by the end of June. He described the items which fall under the Annual Capital Programs and the Major Capital Programs (multi-year projects). He outlined a table with all of the projects in the Five Year Capital Plan. The Board of Education approved the proposed Five Year Capital Plan 2020/2021 as presented. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

Superintendent’s Report

Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL)

Superintendent Gord Stewart gave an update on the Framework of Enhancing Student Learning (FESL). He explained how the old version which is currently in Prezi format will be changed. The new format will be an easy to use mini website. The goal is to have a format that may include a translate function and search bar so people can personalize what they want to see when it comes to student learning goals and measurements. The new FESL which will be worked on for the remainder of the year will be an opportunity to showcase videos and stories.

Assistant Superintendent Woody Bradford continued on with a look back at all of the District achievements over the past school year and their alignment with the four quadrants of the District’s vision. He opened by mentioning the significance of the First Peoples Principles of Learning in the District’s work. He talked about the first quadrant: relevant, meaningful choices for students ignite a lifelong passion for learning. The presentation provided examples of District achievements in innovation, entrepreneurship, promotion, and collaboration. He highlighted programs which increased connections to nature and mental health and well-being.

Director of Instruction Dawne Tomlinson covered the second quadrant: learners are knowledgeable, skilled and innovative. She provided examples of initiatives including the IDEA Summit, the IDEAx challenge, and classes in coding. She emphasized how empowered learners own their learning.

Assistant Superintendent Mal Gill covered the third quadrant: learning takes place through flexible and connected environment. He highlighted the new R.E. Mountain Secondary School and how the facility will create spaces for all learners and encourage collaborative learning. He mentioned the District’s tech plan and the ongoing use of technology to facilitate learning and connect people all over the world.

Director of Learning Support Services Mike Morgan covered the last quadrant: schools foster an inclusive and accepting culture. He provided examples demonstrating this through events and initiatives including the Moose Hide campaign, partnerships with Aboriginal community groups, and the Kwantlen First Nation First Salmon Ceremony. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

Annual Truth and Reconciliation Update/Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement Update

District Principal for Aboriginal Education Mike Pue gave an update on Truth and Reconciliation initiatives taking place over the last school year. He highlighted collaborative initiatives such as the Medicine Wheel at Richard Bulpitt Elementary and an informational plaque at Dorothy Peacock Elementary. Other activities included Orange Shirt Day, the Moose Hide Campaign, and Langley Fine Arts’ This is Kwantlen exhibit showcasing the people of the Kwantlen First Nation. After this introduction, he introduced two social studies teachers who outlined their work on developing a BC Teachers Federation content guide on the topic Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG). The two Walnut Grove teachers described a sample lesson and provided stories showcasing successful engagement with students.

Mike Pue continue with an update on the Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement and the progress towards goals. He explained successes included collaborative projects among Aboriginal Support workers and teachers, leadership from Aboriginal World Views Department heads, and the inclusion of dedicated space for Aboriginal Support Workers in every school. Although there is a lot to celebrate in relation to achievements in the District, he explained that there is still more work that needs to be done. In relation to completion rates, there is an upward trend for Aboriginal students. However, there is still an equity gap between non-Aboriginal and Aboriginal students. He said knowing the gaps will help in working to identify strategies. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

Action Items

Middle School Programming in the D.W. Poppy and Aldergrove Regions

Assistant Superintendent Woody Bradford began by providing the background on past Board of Education motions, and the development of a transition committee made up of schools and District staff, and PAC members. He outlined the guiding principles for transitioning D.W. Poppy into a middle school. He explained how the goal was to focus on doing what’s best for students. Over the last year, the committee came up with some non-negotiables related to safety, education, and facility. After getting initial feedback from the committee, staff came back with three options which were presented to the Board of Education in this meeting.

Option 1 Re-submit the request for capital funding to the Ministry of Education

Option 2 Place portables onsite to accommodate at least one grade group

Option 3 DW Poppy becomes a stand-alone middle school and Aldergrove Secondary would become the feeder secondary school

The Board approved a motion for District staff to commence consultation process with the parents and staff in the D.W. Poppy and Aldergrove families of schools and Coghlan Fundamental Elementary regarding the three options presented to the transition committee and report back to the Board of Education at their Regular Meeting in December 2019 with the feedback received and recommended next steps. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

Communications Plan 2019-2022

Communications Manager Joanne Abshire gave an overview of her Communications Plan, which is a roadmap covering the next four years. It covered five main objectives and dozens of strategies. She highlighted an increase in social media presence on District channels over the last few months, positive media coverage from local and provincial media, as well as an increase in engagements through videos. The Board of Education approved the Communications Plan for 2019-2022. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

New Business

Trustee Comments