Board News: Tuesday, June 16, 2015
June 17, 2015
Statement From the Board of Education
Before commencing with agenda items, Board Chair Rob McFarlane read aloud a statement on behalf of the Board and the District on the commitment to Truth and Reconciliation. In referrence to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report being released Federally, Chair McFarlane said in part, “While the Truth and Reconciliation Commission work is finished, ours has just begun”. Special Guests Josette Danduran, Luke Dandurand and Cecilia Reekie were recognized and addressed the Board.
Community Justice Institute Partnership
District Principal, Safe Schools Renge Bailie introduced Christy Watson and Kaylie Maughn to present on Restorative Action in Langley Schools. District Restorative Action teacher Christy Watson and Community Justice Initiatives (CJI) Restorative School Program Coordinator provided the Board an update on programs. Restorative programs in Langley have been very successful in building community and helping young people move through conflict for many years.
Report From CUPE 1260 Outgoing President
Outgoing CUPE 1260 President Donna Mason addressed the Board of Education and expressed her appreciation for the working relationship CUPE 1260 has enjoyed over the past few years. Mrs Mason also thanked members of the District Leadership Team and many other staff members for their dedication. Board Vice-chair Megan Dykeman present Mrs Mason with flowers on behalf of the Board and Chair Rob McFarlane commented, “the integrity you brought to the job for your members and the community is appreciated”.
Superintendent’s Achievement Report
The Superintendent’s Report was not presented publicly at the meeting but the Board was provided the report and a motion to accept the report was passed.
Learning Improvement Fund Update
Learning Improvement Funds are allocated to districts based on Full Time positions in teaching and support staff. The funds are distributed locally in consultation via an administration and staff committee. Recommendations are submitted and reviewed by the Superintendent and the Langley Teachers’ Association President before being allocated to schools.
Long-Term Facilities Plan: Willoughby Slope Spring Consultation
The Board of Education passed a motion directing staff to begin working with the community, schools and the Township of Langley to maintain the current configuration of schools (K-5, 6-8, 9-12) on the Willoughby slope. For the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 school years there will be NO changes to configurations or catchments. For 2017 and beyond, there will be a drawing of new catchment boundaries for elementary schools on the Willoughby slope and potential drawing of catchment boundaries for the possible addition of a second middle school (subject to Ministry approval of a new school for the Willoughby slope).
District Literacy Plan Review
Assistant Superintendent Gord Stewart introduced Instructional Services Coordinator Lynie Tener, District Literacy Teacher Kathy Nelson and Literacty Outreach Coordinator Kaylie Erickson to the Board to provide a review of the District Literacy Plan and the Langley Literacy Network.
Annual Budget Bylaw 2015/2016
Secretary Treasurer David Green presented the annual budget for 2015/2016 and the Board passed a motion allowing all three readings. Of note is that the budget presented is balanced without the use of surplus reserve funds. As of the end of May there was a small surplus in the 2014/2015 budget and that may result in a surplus for the end of June.
Employment Practices Liability Program
The Employment Practices Liability Program is a program developed through the Ministry of Education’s shared services initiative in collaboration with BCSPEA and the School Protection Plan. The program is intended to provide school districts an opportunity to reduce legal expenses resulting from employment related litigation matters and arbitration.