Board News: Tuesday, April 26, 2016
May 2, 2016
Presentations: Provincial Gold and Silver Wrestling Medalists
Langley Secondary Principal Dawne Tomlinson and Brookswood Principal Marcello Moino introduced Langley United Wrestlers Kamil Golowko (Silver at Provincials and Nationals) and Pritpaul Johal (Gold at Provincials, Bronze at Nationals) to the Board who congratulated them on their achievements at the provincial and national level. Langley United Wrestling Club involves students from LSS, BSS and DWP and has had a great inaugural year and is looking forward to building the club in the future. The Langley Times also featured a story on Golowko and Johal – Langley wrestlers strike at nationals.
Presentations: Brookswood Secondary Girls’ Basketball Provincial Champions
The Senior Girls Bobcats basketball team won their third consecutive BC Provincial title and were recognized by the Board for their achievements as well as exemplifying the District core values of ‘community’ and ‘excellence’ – Go Bobcats!
Presentations: Breakfast Clubs at Alice Brown Elementary and Brookswood Secondary
Alice Brown Elementary’s Breakfast Club served 5,163 students breakfast in the first six months while 10,254 students were served in the first 7 months at Brookswood Secondary, underscoring the need and the number of students that are starting their day hungry. And it’s not just about food, students are socializing and staff is seeing improvement in student’s attitudes, behaviours and ability to focus on their classroom activities, particularly at the elementary level at Alice Brown. The programs at Alice Brown and BSS share one important aspect – they are community driven. A need was recognized and the communities responded in the best way possible. At Alice Brown Principal Deb Page, the Langley School District Foundation and the Breakfast Club of Canada were there to support the volunteer parents and school-based coordinator Shannah Berge in their outstanding efforts. At BSS the PAC, parent volunteers and school administration were able to join forces with the School District Foundation and Breakfast Club of Canada to launch their program. With the help of community partners and sponsors like Breakfast Club of Canada, Breakfast for Learning, Sources Food Bank, Langley School District Foundation, Save-on-Foods, Real Canadian Superstore, Costco Wholesale, Rotary International and other local businesses and faith-based organizations these programs are going strong and making a difference in the lives of students.
Superintendent’s Report: Achievement
Superintendent Suzanne Hoffman presented the Board with requested information about the Grad Exit Survey, a questionnaire that is completed each year by the District’s graduating grade 12 students. Questions include future plans, challenges to pursuing further training or education at a post-secondary institution, and how prepared students feel for the next phase of their lives. Participation rates are very high on the Grad Exit Survey with most students indicating their wish to continue with further training or education but noting that costs are a barrier for many.
Superintendent’s Report: School Calendars 2016-2017
The Board of Education has approved the calendars for the 2016-2017 school year, as presented. Calendars are available as a downloadable PDF that may be kept or printed on school websites and on the District website here.
Information Items: Refugee Update
Superintendent Suzanne Hoffman outlined that there will be 28 Syrian refugee children in Langley Schools by the end of May. A number of these students have already arrived and are beginning the process of joining school communities. Supports in place include ‘welcome classes’ that assist with transition into our schools.
Information Items: Summer Session 2016 – What’s New?
Registration is now open for 2016 Summer Session programs (click here for more information) and Principal Ron Stare provided an overview of some of the offerings this year. As of the meeting date registration numbers were higher than 2015 numbers for the same period. There are approximately 1450+ Elementary/Middle students registered and 750+ Secondary. Summer Session programs allow students to try new things, access more in-depth study in areas of interest, as wells get ahead or make up classes.
Secretary Treasurer’s Report: Capital Bylaw on Disposal of Properties
The Board of Education passed all three motions on the Capital Bylaw on Disposal of Properties. Properties to be disposed include Bradshaw Elementary, County Line Elementary, Murrayville Elementary and Route 32. The Ministry of Education approved of the disposal of these properties on April 20, 2016. The properties are expected to be listed and on the market in early June.
Secretary Treasurer’s Report:Disposal of Lochiel School Site
The Board of Education passed a motion serving notice that it intends to consider motions that the Lochiel school site is no longer required for educational purposes and that the board will consider disposal of the site.
Secretary Treasurer’s Report: Capital Project Bylaw No. 127074
The Board passed all three readings of the Capital Project Bylaw No. 127074 so that Ministry of Education funding may be accessed for the current school year. Each year funding from the Ministry comes in the form of an Annual Facilities grant for the purpose of maintenance and capital work on our facilities. The grant totals $3,314,554 and includes an operating portion of $738,076 and a capital portion of $2,576,478. Also included this year is $115,797 for start up costs associated with the Ministry’s Next Generation Network (NGN) for School Districts. The NGN project will increase internet speeds and security for schools in BC.
Secretary Treasurer’s Report: Board Meeting Schedule 2016-2017
The Board approved the meeting schedule for the 2016-2017 school year, as presented. Regular Meetings of the Board of Education that are open to the public are held on Tuesdays and start at 7:00pm on the following dates: September 27, October 25, December 6, January 24, February 21, March 7, April 25, May 23, June 20.
Information Items: Long Term Facilities Plan – Middle Schools Update
Trustees requested some follow-up information on the Long Term Facilities Plan (LTFP) in regard to the recommendation that staff begin work around a discussion on “middle grades education and a potential follow-up process on middle grades configuration for Brookswood, DW Poppy and Walnut Grove areas”. More information is coming forward to the Board at the May meeting as well.
Information Items: Willoughby Slope Spring Consultation Update
At the April 26, 2016 meeting of the Board, Superintendent Suzanne Hoffman provided a verbal update on the Willoughby Slope consultation process and the next steps. Letters have been prepared for the community and are to be distributed April 27th. More information on the Willoughby Slope consultations may be found here.