Board News: September 22, 2020

September 21, 2020

The Regular Meeting of the Langley Board of Education began at 7:00 PM on September 22, 2020.




Board Chair Megan Dykeman read a statement in recognition of Orange Shirt Day which will take place on September 30. Dykeman explained the meaning behind the day and how the purpose is to recognize survivors of Residential Schools and those we have lost. She shared the story of Phyllis Webstad whose personal story is what initiated Orange Shirt Day. In light of the initiative, trustees wore orange shirts to show their commitment that ‘every child matters.’

The video above will begin on this agenda item.

Recognition of Former Superintendent Emery Dosdall

As suggested by trustee Shelly Coburn, Board Chair Megan Dykeman took a moment to remember former Langley School District Superintendent Emery Dosdall who passed away on August 20, 2020. Dykeman commented on the great work and impact he had on the District.

The video above will begin on this agenda item.


Board Chair Megan Dykeman announced the Langley School District Foundation’s T-Shirts for Kindness campaign. The Foundation launched the campaign in support of the Food for Thought program and other initiatives. Dykeman had explained the Foundation has had to cancel fundraising events due to the pandemic; however the need to support students and their families continues on. The Foundation has supported approximately 650 families every week with grocery store gift certificates to those who have been impacted by COVID-19. Dykeman closed the announcement by directing people to the Foundation website to purchase t-shirts in support of the campaign.

The video above will begin on this agenda item.


Superintendent Gord Stewart began his presentation by thanking all staff for their hard work over the last few weeks. He emphasized a tremendous amount of work has been done around health and safety with students at the forefront of their minds.

Stewart gave an overview of student enrolment with a breakdown of students who chose various options. A majority (92%) of students returned to in-class instruction. A small minority have chosen the Transition Support Model (3%), and Homeschooling (1%). He gave insights on feedback the District has been hearing from parents and the reasons for the enrolment decisions they have made. He outlined the addition of federal funding to our school district ($7.8 million dollars) which will be used to hire staff to support the Transition Support Model, Distributed Learning, Hospital Homebound, and custodial staff. He explained the District’s protocols when managing a confirmed case of COVID-19 and the series of actions to take place with regard to operations and communications. He reiterates the direction on action and communication comes from the Fraser Health Authority.

Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Barry Bunyan recognized the hard work of staff at schools and for their diligence in keeping up with changing provincial guidelines. He reported the District has fully implemented the K-12 health and safety guidelines. He mentioned the use of cohorts, enhanced cleaning protocols, and increased staffing. Other health and safety measures adopted throughout the district include signage, hand sanitizer stations, plexiglass barriers, portable hand washing stations, and personal protective equipment. He closed his report by presenting the quarter system calendar and notable dates for students, staff and families.

Transportation Update

Assistant Superintendent Mal Gill gave an update on the District’s Transportation system. Gill stated increased communication efforts to reach families have been made to inform the community about changes in the system and the steps needed to register. He reported 657 riders have been or will be accommodated. He mentioned late registrants are holding up the process on offering rides for courtesy riders. COVID-19 and late comers have slowed the process and created challenges. He closed his report saying the District can now offer seats to courtesy riders and the District will do its best to provide seats for those with limited resources.

Transition Support Model

Assistant Superintendent Woody Bradford thanked the community for working together alongside staff in this new model. Bradford gave an overview of the enrolment in the Transition Support Model. He reported there are 988 students in total, out of those 751 in elementary/middle school. He explained students will begin orientation week as an opportunity for students to get ‘ready to learn’ and go through literacy, numeracy, and social emotional learning. He reported next week students will be connected with their new teachers. Later in October, these students will be provided the chance to attend scheduled learning opportunities in-class. He closed his report by emphasizing diverse learners will be supported.

Assistant Superintendent Mal Gill reported there are 237 secondary students in the Transition Support Model. Gill explained academic and curricular outcomes are provided by the classroom teacher but work is being done by a support teacher. It’s a system where they are also still connected to their class teachers. As is the case in the elementary/middle school, diverse learners are also being supported.

Principal Kendra Simonetto gave some insights from her experience at James Kennedy Elementary School. She explained how there are a lot of changes but students are adapting well. She shared anecdotes displaying resilience from students and staff showing their role as problem solvers.

Principal Kevan Reeve gave some insights from his experience at Peter Ewart Middle School. He opened his comments by recognizing how families are in different places. He explained students and staff were excited about coming back and worked together with staff to get them at a level of comfort. He shared some experiences with families and highlighted how explorations continue, and zones of play still continue within cohorts.

Principal Magdy Ghobrial gave some insights from his experience at RE Mountain Secondary School. Ghobrial opened by thanking the District leadership team for collaborating with administrators. He said students and staff are responding so well to all the protocols. He reports students are adhering to rules around lunch time, spaces, staying in cohorts. There have been challenges and benefits with the quarter system. He closed his report on how students are engaging with staff and each other.

The Board approves the report as presented. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

Summer Session 2020

District Principal of Continuing Education, Ron Stare gave an overview of the Summer Session program. Stare opened by explaining how the program was very different than previous years with adjustments made due to COVID-19. He said the primary focus was to ensure everyone involved was safe and supported mentally and physically. He mentioned Langley was the only District that offered in-person classes. The program focused on a referral system for elementary schools. There were 421 students, 5 locations, 30 teachers, 40 SEAs, and 5 administrators. One secondary site focused on academics through a blended summer learning. The District also offered Youth at Risk / Transitions Programs at 2 sites including Walnut Grove Secondary School and H D Stafford Middle School. He closed his presentation with a look ahead to Summer Session 2021, adding his hope to have broader program and the continuation of blended learning.

The Board approves the report as presented. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

Board Policies and District Administrative Procedures

Superintendent Gord Stewart provided background on the Board Policies and District Administrative Procedures. The Board referred the Board Policies and District Administrative Procedures to the October Regular Board meeting.

The video above will begin on this agenda item.

Naming of SW Yorkson Elementary School

Superintendent Gord Superintendent reported the District will be starting the process for the naming of SW Yorkson Elementary School with the public, but requires approval from the Board.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education requests the Superintendent commence the process for naming the future SW Yorkson Elementary School as per Policy No. 4004 – Naming of Schools.

The Board approved the above motion. The video above will begin on this agenda item.



Enrolment Report Update

Secretary-Treasurer Brian Iseli gave an update on enrolment. Iseli shared preliminary enrolment numbers in the elementary, middle, and secondary school streams and made note of schools which showed increases and decreases. Homeschool as an option has increased, 15 students last year compared to more than 100 students in this year so far. He closed his presentation noting that enrolment numbers impact funding.

The Board approved the above motion. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

Audit Committee – Approval of Audited 2019-20 Financial Statements

Secretary-Treasurer Brian Iseli gave an overview of the financial statements that were recently audited. He listed financial results for 2019/2020. He displayed the various funds for the District including the operating fund and the special purpose funds. He noted the District’s revenue is $256,687,889 million with the operating fund at $214,906,434 million.

The Board approved the 2019/2020 Audited Financial Statements and requested staff to submit them to the Ministry of Education. The Board also approved the Financial Statement Discussion and Analysis (FSD&A) as presented.

Recommendation: That the Audit Committee recommends that the Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) approves the 2019/2020 Audited Financial Statements and request staff to submit them to the Ministry of Education.

Financial Statement Discussion and Analysis

Recommendation: That the Audit Committee recommends that the Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) approves the Financial Statement Discussion and Analysis (FSD&A) with the 2019/2020 Financial Statements that will be brought to the September 22, Agenda Page 2 2020 Regular Board Meeting for approval.

Surplus Restrictions

Recommendation: That the Audit Committee recommends that the Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) approves the internally restricted surplus of $3,388,260 for the internally restricted (appropriated) by the board, as described in note 12 of the 2019/2020 Audited Financial Statements.

Recommendation: That the Audit Committee recommends that the Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) approves the internally restricted surplus of $812,602 to balance future budgets, as described in note 12 of the 2019/2020 Audited Financial Statements.

Recommendation: That the Audit Committee recommends that the Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) approves the internally restricted surplus of $1,007,004 for infrastructure replacement, as described in note 12 of the 2019/2020 Audited Financial Statements.

Recommendation: That the Audit Committee recommends that the Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) approves the internally restricted surplus of $500,000 for student capacity needs, as described in note 12 of the 2019/2020 Audited Financial Statements.

Recommendation: That the Audit Committee recommends that the Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) approves the internally restricted surplus of $2,220,943 for the school generated funds balance that hasn’t been spent and now is part of the operating surplus due to PSAB, as described in note 12 of the 2019/2020 Audited Financial Statements.

Recommendation: That the Audit Committee recommends that the Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) approves the internally restricted school operating fund surpluses of $488,628 from 2019/2020 be carried forward to 2020/2021 for schools, as described in note 12 of the 2019/2020 Audited Financial Statements.

Recommendation: That the Audit Committee recommends that the Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) approves the internally restricted surplus of $37,561 for Indigenous Education, as described in note 12 of the 2019/2020 Audited Financial Statements

Recommendation: That the Audit Committee recommends that the Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) approves the internally restricted surplus of $210,000 for commitments from 2019/2020, as described in note 12 of the 2019/2020 Audited Financial Statements.

Recommendation: That the Audit Committee recommends that the Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) approves the internally restricted surplus of $5,000,000 for COVID-19 contingency from 2019/2020, as described in note 12 of the 2019/2020 Audited Financial Statements.

Interfund Transfers

Recommendation: That the Audit Committee recommends that the Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) approves the transfer of $2,178,139 from the operating fund to the capital fund, as described in note 13 of the 2019/2020 Audited Financial Statements.

The Board approved all of the above motions. The video above will begin on this agenda item.


The video above will begin on this agenda item.


The video above will begin on this agenda item.