Board News: November 16, 2021
November 15, 2021
Board Election for Vice-Chair
The Langley Board of Education nominated Trustee Marnie Wilson and Trustee Charlie Fox for the role of Vice-Chair which both trustees accepted. The Board voted and elected Trustee Marnie Wilson as the new Vice-Chair.
Superintendent’s Reports
Draft Reporting Order and Communicating Student Learning
District Principal of Instructional Services George Kozlovic provided the Board an update on the District’s current plan on communicating student learning and how it relates to the Ministry’s Draft Reporting Order.
He started off with comments on the District’s goal. He explained how the Draft Reporting Order was shared throughout the District to gather feedback for the Ministry, with the plan for the new order expected to be in place in September 2022.
Kozlovic went over the similarities of the current communicating student learning process and the future process. Similarities include five reports in a year, and a written learning update which includes comments and descriptive feedback, among other items. Changes include grade 1-K reporting policy, one provincial proficiency scale, student self-assessments of core competencies, among other items. He explained the meaning of a learning update and the summary of learning. He showed the proficiency scale that will be used across the province as well as reasons for its use in the system.
He talked about the movement away from letter grades and the shift to a focus on student growth as a continued process and student goal setting. He mentioned all elementary and middle schools K-8 have been using proficiency scales since last year. He shared some key findings including research pointing out grades tend to diminish students’ interest in learning. He talked about how letter grades would remain in grade 12 and commented on how post-secondary schools in Canada only look at grade 12 reports or student portfolios.
He closed the presentation with an outlook on what’s expected next year and the expansion of student inclusive conferences in the District.
Recommendation: That the Board of Education receives the report on the Draft Reporting Order and an update on Langley’s Communicating Student Learning (CSL) Plan for information, as presented.
The Board approves the report as presented. The video above will begin on this agenda item.
Communications Plan 2019-22 Update
Communications Manager Jo Abshire provided an update on the Communications Plan for Year 3. She started off the presentation with an overview of COVID-19 communications notifications over the year, and key milestones such as the roll out of SchoolMessenger, mask wearing changes, and vaccine eligibility for staff. Next, she gave an overview of a communications survey which was shared with parents/guardians in June 2021. She explained the main takeaways which included that families were pleased with communications (quantity and quality), text messages were key in emergencies, language and cultural barriers existed for non-English speakers, and there is room for improvement. Abshire talked about the communications work completed to help “Celebrate Our Story.” She provided examples of stories from the year which highlighted our priorities and major events. She closed her presentation, with an outlook of the next year which includes continued COVID-19 communications, a potential transition to recovery and a shift in focus to regular communications objectives and strategies, more positive stories, and capacity building of audiences.
Recommendation: That the Board of Education receives the update on the Communications Plan 2019-2022 for information, as presented.
The Board approves the report as presented. The video above will begin on this agenda item.
Secretary-Treasurer’s Reports
Amended Annual Five-Year Capital Plan
Recommendation: That the School District No. 35 (Langley) (Capital Plan 2021/2022) Capital Bylaw No. 2021/22-CPSD35-02 in the amount of $2,689,627 be given first reading.
Recommendation: That the School District No. 35 (Langley) (Capital Plan 2021/2022) Capital Bylaw No. 2021/22-CPSD35-02 in the amount of $2,689,627 be given second reading.
Recommendation: That the Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) approves having all three readings of the (Capital Plan 2021/2022) Capital Bylaw No. 2021/22-CPSD35-02 in the amount of $2,689,627 at tonight’s meeting.
Recommendation: That the School District No. 35 (Langley) (Capital Plan 2021/2022) Capital No. 2021/22- CPSD35-02 in the amount of $2,689,627 be given third reading, passed and adopted on this 16th day of November 2021.
The Board approved the above motions. The video above will begin on this agenda item.