Board News: June 16, 2020
June 15, 2020
The Regular Meeting of the Langley Board of Education begins at 7:00 p.m on June 16, 2020.
The Board Chair Megan Dykeman opened the meeting with a Statement on Anti-Racism.
The video above will begin on this agenda item.
Langley Grad Week
Board Chair Megan Dykeman read a statement to congratulate and honour the Langley School District grads of 2020. The Board Chair acknowledged that June 22-26 will be Langley Grad Week 2020. As part of the week-long initiative, the Board is calling on the community to take part in helping celebrate and honour our grads. She outlined on June 22 the Township of Langley will be lighting up its walkway on 200th street the colour green in support of our grads, the Langley Events Centre will be posting a message on its electronic sign board for the week, and the City of Langley will raise two banners on Fraser Highway during the same period. The District and Board put forth a call to action for the public to celebrate and honour our grads in their own way. Also, the District and Board asks grads to ‘give back’ to the community as a way to end their education career on a positive note.
Superintendent Gord Stewart thanked students, staff, and families for their support and cooperation in putting on these grad events. He introduced a video showcasing some of the physically distanced grad ceremonies taking place around the District so far. He mentioned that there are still some schools that are expected to put on celebrations in the next two weeks.
The video above will begin on this agenda item.
Secretary-Treasurer’s Reports
2020-2021 Annual Budget Bylaw (Third and Final Reading)
Secretary-Treasurer Brian Iseli provided an overview of the annual budget bylaw. He also mentioned as part of the budget process, the District hosted a virtual Budget Open House which brought forward two questions from the public: one related to the cost for DPAC and the second, related to the expansion of the ISP to generate more revenue.
In follow-up to the last Board meeting, the District is at a deficit budget of $2.4 million, meaning the District will be recommending using $2.4 million of the accumulated surplus to balance the 2020-2021 budget. Before the Board addressed the motions, trustees had questions for staff related to the potential ISP program, and current and future number of Special Education Assistant positions.
The Board recommended the following motions:
That the Board of Education directs staff to appropriate $2,382,381 of Internally Restricted to balance future budgets to balance the operating fund for 2020/2021.
That the School District No. 35 (Langley) 2020/2021 Annual Budget Bylaw in the amount of $261,626,067 be given third reading, passed and adopted on this 16th day of June 2020.
The Board approved all of the above motions. The video above will begin on this agenda item.
Five-Year Capital Plan Update
Secretary-Treasurer Brian Iseli provided an overview of the process of the Five-Year Capital Plan. The plan covers all Ministry Capital related programs. He provided a brief summary of some ongoing and future capital projects.
The Board recommended the following motion:
In accordance with provisions under Section 142 of the School Act, the Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) approves the proposed Five-Year Capital Plan for 2021/2022, as provided on the attached Five-Year Capital Plan.
The Board approved all of the above motion. The video above will begin on this agenda item.
Superintendent’s Reports
Strategic Plan Update
Superintendent Gord Stewart provided a Year 2 update on the Strategic Plan, a document which is a blueprint that was developed last year. He opened with the fundamental principles that guide the plan. He explained how the presentation focuses on three domains: educational opportunities, community partnerships, and operational priorities. He addressed impacts of the pandemic on the strategic plan, both the opportunities and the challenges. He touched on next steps moving forward in relation to middle school programming, the technology plan, the new five-year Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement, and the continued work with vulnerable youth and mental health.
Sam Muraca, District Principal of Educational Planning gave an overview of the Framework for Enhancing Student Learning. He outlined the District will work on ensuring high-quality action plans for learning in all schools, further actions and performance to ensure we make a difference in the lives of children.
Dawne Tomlinson, Director of Instruction outlined educational opportunities in early learning. She mentioned measurable goals, short term and long-term actions.
Michael Morgan, Director of Learning Support Services, touched on educational opportunities with a focus on quality of learning for all learners. He talked about measurable goals, short term and long-term actions.
Mal Gill, Assistant Superintendent, highlighted one part of the Strategic Plan’s operational priorities – employee wellness. He said a trio of staff worked hard with a consultant on a strategy to help improve health and wellness in the District over the last few years. The focus was on creating a natural/authentic well-being culture, taking care of staff, enhancing collaborative learning and enhancing employer choice.
Michael Morgan, Director of Learning Support Services, explained respectful work environment and finding solutions to potential violence in the workplace. He went over measurable goals, short term and long-term actions.
Michelle Guillou, District Principal of Human Resources, touched on recruitment and retention, measurable goals, short term and long-term actions with an increased focus of online engagement.
The Board approves the report as presented. The video above will begin on this agenda item.
New Business
The video above will begin on this agenda item.
Trustee Comments
The video above will begin on this agenda item.