Board News: February 25, 2020
February 25, 2020
The Regular Meeting of the Langley Board of Education is streamed live beginning at 7:00 pm. A link to the live-stream will be posted here in Board News.
Announcement – Diversity and Respect Week
Diversity Statement
Students from Walnut Grove Secondary School developed and presented a powerful statement to acknowledge Diversity and Respect Week. Activities are taking place all over the District.
The video link above will begin on this agenda item.
Superintendent’s Reports
District Technology Plan
Director of Instructional Services Dawne Tomlinson and Director of Information Systems & Technology Richard Eskander gave an overview of the District’s Technology Action Plan for Learning for 2020-2025. Tomlinson explained how the tech committee, which is made up of administration and District staff, used the eight elements of change and the District’s mission as the foundation for the tech plan. She presented the mission statement, “To inspire, support, enhance and transform learning through the lens of technology…” She touched on documents which were used as resources including the ISTE standards (national education technology standards) and core competencies to help develop the plan. The overarching goal of the tech plan is to create digital citizens (students) and help them become digital leaders (students). Tomlinson showed visual examples of how teachers are currently engaging students with the use of technology. There are six structures as part of the plan, for example, environmental design, measurement, and financial sustainability.
Director of Information Systems & Technology Richard Eskander gave an overview of all of the infrastructure changes that have taken place across the District in the last three years. Upgrades included numerous wireless access points with the District’s ultimate goal to have complete wireless coverage in all buildings. The IT department also implemented a centralized help desk support, asset management system, and device management system, to maintain inventory of District IT property. He also mentioned the department’s work on lifecycle maintenance for IT equipment, tools to help with internal and external communications, as well as privacy policy compliance.
The video link above will begin on this agenda item.
Secretary-Treasurer’s Reports
2019-2020 Amended Annual Budget
Secretary-Treasurer Brian Iseli gave an update on the Amended Annual Budget. He reviewed total operating revenues and operating expenses including various costs such as staffing, supplies, and services. He explained the District’s current deficit budget structure and how the District is appropriating its surplus funds.
The Board of Education passed the following motion:
That the Board of Education approves staff to appropriate (unrestrict) the following restricted surplus amounts to balance the 2019/2020 Amended Budget:
- $513,790 Internally restricted (appropriated by the Board)
- $142,996 Internally restricted for infrastructure replacement
- $300,000 Internally restricted for capacity issues at LSS/LEC
- $125,000 Internally restricted for Admin Development
- $323,827 school surpluses
- $150,000 District initiatives to support schools
Also, the Board of Education carried and gave the following motion three readings:
That the School District No. 35 (Langley) Amended Annual Budget Bylaw 2019/2020 in the amount of $263,932,224 be given third reading, passed and adopted on this 25th day of February 2020.
The video link above will begin on this agenda item.
Conveyance of Students
Assistant Superintendent Mal Gill presented a report about the conveyance of students (transportation of students). He gave an overview of the District’s transportation service and presented a new plan/change to the system. Currently, there is no charge for students. He noted more than half of students provided transportation are courtesy riders or cross boundary students. He explained the system in its current state is unsustainable and inefficient. Under the new plan, eligible riders under District policy will not see any charges. Under the new plan, courtesy riders will be charged a fee if there is a seat available. The fee is $400.00 for an individual courtesy rider, and up to $600.00 for a family (multiple siblings). He provided a comparison of transportation fees and walk limits by other school districts. Under the new plan, the District will also be removing legacy routes. To close the presentation, he gave an overview of the communication plan to assist in rolling out the change to our school communities. The Board of Education received the report on Conveyance of Students for information, as presented.
The video link above will begin on this agenda item.
New Business
Acknowledgement of February as Black History Month
Trustee Shelley Coburn raised a motion for the Board to acknowledge February as Black History Month. She spoke about the importance of celebrating diversity in our fast-changing District.
The Board of Education passed the following motion:
That the Langley Board of Education officially acknowledges February as Black History Month.
The video link above will begin on this agenda item.
Other Items
The video link above will begin on this agenda item.