Board Meeting: June 18, 2024
June 17, 2024
The Regular Meeting of the Langley Board of Education was held in-person and streamed online.
National Indigenous History Month & National Indigenous People’s Day
Board Chair Candy Ashdown made an announcement to recognize National Indigenous History Month and National Indigenous Peoples Day (which is on June 21). Ashdown explained that the month and day is aimed at celebrating and honouring the history, culture, and perspectives of the Indigenous community in our country. In addition to the learning happening across the District and in our schools, she encouraged those in attendance and the public to do their own learning.
The above video will begin on this agenda item.
Pride Month
Board Chair Candy Ashdown made an announcement to recognize Pride Month. Ashdown explained throughout the month of June schools are acknowledging, organizing school activities, and celebrating LGBTQ+ members in the community. She mentioned schools will be taking part in learning opportunities across the District.
The video will begin on this agenda item.
Be Amazing: An Anti-Human Trafficking Initiative
Cathy Peters with the Be Amazing Campaign gave a presentation to the Board about her organization, which aims to stop sexual exploitation in the community. She outlined statistics related to human sex trafficking in relation to age, gender, and other factors that are linked to child and youth exploitation. She presented action items that boards and governments can take on to help eradicate sex trafficking including increased education in schools. She listed a number of “harms” including sexting, among other things.
The video will begin on this agenda item.
Superintendent’s Reports
Board Evaluation/Annual Board Development Plan
Superintendent Mal Gill provided an overview of the Board’s annual evaluation. He said this evaluation focused on four areas: accountability to and engagement of community, development and maintaining a culture of student learning, governance, and board development. He then briefly outlined the Board’s development plan.
Recommendation: That the Board of Education receives the update on the Board Evaluation/Annual Development Plan for information, as presented.
The Board approved the report as presented. The video above will begin on this agenda item.
Annual Truth and Reconciliation Update
District Principal of Aboriginal Education Mike Pue along with Langley Fine Arts (LFAS) teacher Penny Carnrite and LFAS Aboriginal Support Worker Tara Helps, provided a collective update on Truth and Reconciliation. Pue provided the District perspective, meanwhile, Carnrite and Helps provided examples of the work they do at Langley Fine Arts. Pue started the presentation with the District’s Guiding Principles in its journey of Truth and Reconciliation, “One heart, one mind” and “Working Together.” He noted that truth is not just learning about the tragedies but learning about moving forward in partnership together and understanding the strength and resiliency of people. He quoted educator/speaker Len Pierre who said that Reconciliation is like “building a bridge.” He noted the work of tsakwiah (Josette Dandurand), wiye. nox (Luke Dandurand) and Cecilia Reekie, who were participants in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Ottawa and brought their work back to the Langley School District.
Teacher Penny Carnrite described her background as a teacher with experience working as an educator on reserve. Her experience led to her life-long dedication to promoting and focussing on Indigenous Education. She has taught thousands of students over decades and has a passion for teaching B.C. First Peoples. Through her work, she said she has been grateful for the connections she has made with elders and the relationships she has built. Thereafter, Aboriginal Support Worker Tara Helps introduced herself in hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ language. Helps talked about her Metis background and her growing relationship with Sesmelot (Fern Gabriel), who is a hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓
Language teacher and member of the Kwantlen First Nation. She has been greatly impacted by both Gabriel, as well as, elder Josette Dandurand, who has shared her experiences in residential schools with students and staff over the years.
Carnrite and Helps shared a number of examples of actions happening in their school community. They showed a video from a recent grad commencement ceremony with students that had the students reflecting on the acknowledgment of traditional territories and its importance in reconciliation. Carnrite also talked about the impact of Sesmelot and her hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ language work in schools. Carnrite said that she wanted students to support the calls to action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. As educators, teachers can build student capacity for intercultural understanding, empathy, and mutual respect. She explained the concept of radical empathy, not just “feeling something but doing something.” Carnrite and Helps talked about the engagement activities conducted at their school including panel discussions, awareness campaigns, and taking part in the MMIW march last February. She talked about how the school supports Indigenous artists and businesses celebrating culture in the community through events such as pow wow nights, and community engagement and participation in community events.
Pue closed the presentation by talking about the actions taken by the District, including learning opportunities such as the Districtwide Odyssey Conference in February, banner project at Peter Ewart and Yorkson Creek Middle schools that were highlighted at a Vancouver Whitecaps game, and the protection of a house post at ACSS to ensure its safety while maintenance work was being completed in the school. These are just some examples of the ongoing work in the District’s collective journey of Truth and Reconciliation.
Recommendation: That the Board of Education receives the update on Truth and Reconciliation for information, as presented.
The Board approved the report as presented. The video above will begin on this agenda item.
Secretary-Treasurer’s Reports
2024-2025 Annual Budget Bylaw (3rd and Final Reading)
Secretary-Treasurer Brian Iseli updated the Board on the recent Budget Open House. He shared a quick overview of the budget and closed with the recommended board motions.
Recommendation: That the Board of Education directs staff to appropriate the following Restricted surplus amounts to balance the 2023/24 Annual Budget.
Internally restricted for projector replacement: $350,000.
Recommendation: That the School District No. 35 (Langley) Annual Budget Bylaw for fiscal year 2024/25 in the amount of $389,929,643 be given third reading, passed and adopted on this 18th day of June 2024.
The Board approved all of the above motions. The video above will begin on this agenda item.
76th Avenue Road Dedication
Recommendation: That the School District No. 35 (Langley) R.E. Mountain Secondary and Peter Ewart Middle School Road Dedication Bylaw, 2024 be given first reading.
Recommendation: That the School District No. 35 (Langley) R.E. Mountain Secondary and Peter Ewart Middle School Road Dedication Bylaw, 2024 be given second reading.
Recommendation: That the Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) approves having all three readings of the R.E. Mountain Secondary and Peter Ewart Middle School Road Dedication Bylaw, 2024 at tonight’s meeting.
Recommendation: That the School District No. 35 (Langley) R.E. Mountain Secondary and Peter Ewart Middle School Road Dedication Bylaw, 2024 be given third reading, passed and adopted on this 18th day of June 2024.
The Board approved all of the above motions. The video above will begin on this agenda item.
Five-Year Capital Plan 2025-2026
Secretary-Treasurer Brian Iseli shared an overview of the five-year capital plan. He provided the board an overview of the submission timelines. He talked about the previously supported projects (funding not approved) which include the Smith Secondary and middle schools, among other items. He also showed a slide with the list of major capital projects planned. He mentioned that the Ministry is prioritizing capital projects that bring in more spaces over other projects.
Recommendation: In accordance with provisions under Section 142 (4) of the School Act, the Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) hereby approves the proposed Five-Year Capital Plan (Major Capital Programs) for 2025/2026, as provided on the attached Major Five-Year Capital Plan Summary for 2025/2026 to be submitted to the Ministry of Education and Child Care.
The Board approved the above motion. The video above will begin on this agenda item.
Three-year Financial Plan
Secretary-Treasurer Brian Iseli shared an overview of the three-year financial plan. He explained to that it was recommended by the Ministry for Boards to develop a three-year financial plan. Iseli shared some highlights from the plan including revenue and expenses over the three years. He noted the District would utilize surplus funds to balance future budgets.
Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves the Three-Year Year Financial Plan, as presented.
The Board approved the above motion. The video above will begin on this agenda item.
Long Range Facilities Plan (LRFP)
Secretary Treasurer Brian Iseli updated the Board on the most recent consultation with school PACs regarding the Long Range Facilities Plan (LRFP). He introduced Consultant Les King, who has been hired to help the District develop the LRFP. King explained how separate meetings were conducted with school PACs and a series of meetings were held with stakeholders. He went over the areas that were not changing, which included: educational programs and their locations, most catchments and growth in schools of choice. He mentioned how Brookswood is expected to have slow growth, and a need for a new school in that area won’t be needed until 2033. King talked about the enrolment pressures in Willoughby followed by the Langley Secondary family of schools. He noted all of the capital projects in progress, including the modular expansion at Richard Bulpitt and the upcoming project at Nicomekl Elementary. King went over recommendations that would help the District manage growth until 2033. As he said, the District is waiting for approval on a new Smith middle and secondary school, a 12 classroom addition to RE Mountain Secondary, and a purchase of a site for a new SW Latimer Elementary. To summarize, other recommendations include more requests for prefabricated additions, new elementary schools, and seismic projects. King shared his observations and conclusions that the District needs to implement middle schools where possible, restrict enrolment to in-catchment students only, continue to utilize portable classrooms, and add prefab constructions where appropriate.
Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves the Long-Range Facilities Plan as presented.
The Board approved the above motion. The video above will begin on this agenda item.
School Site Acquisition Charge (SSAC)
Secretary-Treasurer Brian Iseli provided an overview of the School Site Acquisition Charge (SSAC). Iseli said the purpose of the SSAC is to collect funds from developers to cover the costs of new school sites. He shared development and student projections, a list of eligible schools sites, and the current formula for the charge. He explained the next steps in the process, which would be to adopt the eligible schools sites and once completed, the District would need to inform the municipalities of the charge.
Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves the Eligible School Sites, as presented
The Board approved the above motion. The video above will begin on this agenda item.
Amended Five-Year Capital Plan
Iseli provided a brief update on the amended Five-Year Capital Plan. He noted one of the additions for this plan was the inclusion of the new prefab expansion project at Nicomekl Elementary.
Recommendation: That the School District No. 35 (Langley) (Capital Plan 2024/2025) Capital Bylaw No. 2024/25-CPSD35-02 be given first reading.
Recommendation: That the School District No. 35 (Langley) (Capital Plan 2024/2025) Capital Bylaw No. 2024/25-CPSD35-02 be given second reading.
Recommendation: That the Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) approves having all three readings of the (Capital Plan 2024/2025) Capital Bylaw No. 2024/25-CPSD35-02 at tonight’s meeting. Agenda Page 3.
Recommendation: That the School District No. 35 (Langley) (Capital Plan 2024/2025) Capital Bylaw No. 2024/25-CPSD35-02 be given third reading, passed and adopted on this 18th day of June 2024.
The Board approved all the above motions. The video above will begin on this agenda item.