Board Meeting: December 12, 2023

December 11, 2023


Superintendent’s Reports

Langley Secondary Family of Schools’ Boundary Change Process

Assistant Superintendent Lisa Lainchbury presented to the Board the District’s boundary change process and the work that was completed over the past few months. The District is planning for catchment changes due to the increase in enrolment in this region of schools, which brings challenges for student placements. A proposed plan was developed and shared with the region’s school communities in a variety of ways to ensure it was accessible to families (PowerPoint and video with translated subtitles). She provided an overview of the process which included the sharing of the plan, the collection of feedback from PAC meetings, and emails from families, as well as a survey/form that was sent to specific families to collect their school preferences. She shared some of the emerging themes that came out of the feedback collected, which included the understanding of the rationale, concerns (about the impact on school environment, student education, space being utilized in the school, travel and transportation), as well as disruption to family routines, and questions about future developments.

Lainchbury provided a sample of some of the questions asked in the survey that was sent to specific families. She reported the District received a strong response from these families with approximately 97% of families responding. She shared a summary of the preferences families had expressed, with 77% noting they want to stay at their catchment school. She explained some of the factors to be considered during the potential catchment-change process and also shared maps of the proposed catchment changes.

In addition to the proposed catchment changes, Lainchbury outlined six recommendations, which are aimed at supporting individual family circumstances. The recommendations included having new students attend their revised catchment school as well as allowing families with unique circumstances to make requests to stay at their current catchment schools, with the request to be reviewed by staff but not guaranteed.

Based on the feedback, she explained the District should move ahead with the proposed catchment changes with the additional provisions in place to determine placements of families. The placements will be dependent on criteria that is student-centric and helps ensure equity and support for families.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves the catchment areas for the Langley Secondary family of schools’ elementary schools be adjusted effective September 2024, as outlined below.

The Board approves the above motion. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

Educational Programming in the ACSS/DWP Regions Update

Assistant Superintendent Marcello Moino provided an update on the educational programming in the ACSS and DW Poppy Secondary regions. This update stems from the Middle School Consultation which occurred in 2019. He provided an update on three Board motions that came out of the consultation.

Moino started with Board motion #3, which was centered around looking at moving Fort Langley Elementary out of the DW Poppy family of schools and adding it to the WGSS family of schools. He reported on some key concerns that PACs expressed. He then shared some conclusions based on data collected. The data showed that most students transition to DW Poppy with very few cross-boundary applicants to WGSS. The second destination of choice for Fort Langley students is Langley Fine Arts. Those that apply for cross-boundary applications usually achieve their goal. Based on these findings, he explained it is recommended that there will be no changes to the existing Administrative Procedure regarding the cross-boundary process.

Moino provided an update on Board motion #4, which was focused on reviewing the structure of Coghlan Fundamental Elementary and the Fundamental programs overall. He also conducted meetings with PACs at Coghlan and Langley Fundamental. He presented research and data showing where Coghlan students reside, where they attend school, and where they transition to after elementary school. As he explained, most Coghlan families come from the Aldergrove region and are not able to attend Langley Fundamental Elementary due to geography and other factors. Most Coghlan families transition to DW Poppy Secondary. Based on the data, it is recommended that no changes are required to the current K-7 structure of Coghlan Fundamental Elementary.

Moino reported on Board motion #5 which was about Middle School Programming in DW Poppy region of schools (elementary). As part of his consultation work, he met with each school PAC and Kwantlen First Nation twice. He was gathering information about what types of educational program was offered and how it was in alignment with other middle schools in the District. Based on those meetings, he concluded that some of the elementary schools found ways to incorporate explorations and platooning opportunities. He noted that this could be expanded and therefore, the District can look into this. He concluded that the DW Poppy region is already offering programming such as outdoor education and the rugby academy, and these are opportunities, that can also be expanded.

He explained that it’s recommended that the District continues to work with the elementary schools in the DWP region to share ideas on middle school programming, and work with the schools to assist in implementing explorations and platooning opportunities in the region.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education receives the update on Educational Programming in the ACSS/DWP Regions, for information, as presented.

The Board approves the above motion. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

Secretary-Treasurer’s Reports

Budget Process and Timeline (2024-2025) Preliminary Operating Budget

Secretary-Treasurer Brian Iseli presented the Board the budget process and timeline (2024-2025) Preliminary Operating Budget. He outlined the month-by-month breakdown and the activity that takes place during that time. He noted some key dates including March 15th which is the Ministry Funding Announcement, the budget open house in early June, and the third reading of the budget bylaw and approval of the multiyear financial plan in in mid-June.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Budget Process and Timeline (2024/2025 Preliminary Operating Budget) as presented.

The Board approves the above motion. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

PEMS Statutory Right of Way

Secretary-Treasurer Brian Iseli explained the need for BC Hydro to build a transformer on Peter Ewart Middle School property. As part of this work, adequate space is required to build the transformer. The transformer will help improve electrical capacity at the school.

Recommendation: That The Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) – Peter Ewart Middle School Pad Mount Transformer Right-Of-Way Bylaw 2023 be given first reading.

Recommendation: That The Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) – Peter Ewart Middle School Pad Mount Transformer Right-Of-Way Bylaw 2023 be given second reading.

Recommendation: That The Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) approves having all three readings of Peter Ewart Middle School Pad Mount Transformer Right-Of-Way Bylaw 2023 at tonight’s meeting.

Recommendation: That The Board of Education of School District No. 35 (Langley) – Peter Ewart Middle School Pad Mount Transformer Right-Of-Way Bylaw 2023 be given third reading, passed and adopted on the 12th day of December, 2023.

The Board approves the above motions. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

Notice of Motion Return – Policy 20 Public Interest Disclosure

Secretary-Treasurer Brian Iseli provided some background information regarding this policy and the amendments that were made to the policy.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education serves Notice of Motion to the District’s education committee and its education partner groups that it intends to adopt the changes to Policy 20: Public Interest Disclosure at the January 30, 2024 Regular Board Meeting.

The Board approves the above motion. The video above will begin on this agenda item.

New Business

Trustee Comments

Question Period