Ride to School in a Fire Truck

November 27, 2015

With lights flashing and siren wailing Blacklock Kindergarten student Frankie was driven to school in a Langley City Fire Department truck after being picked up at home and taken to the station for a quick tour. Though Frankie was a bit shy being the centre of attention when she was greeted by her waving and…

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 Noel Booth French Immersion Teacher Acknowledged

November 20, 2015

Noel Booth French Immersion teacher Patricia Barkley has been awarded the Merci de Bouquet award by the Canadian Parents for French (CPF) BC/Yukon Branch. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to French Language and Culture in BC. Noel Booth Principal Carol Osborne forwarded the nomination to the CPF committee. The presentation was made at the gala dinner…

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 Calendar Amendment Letter to Parents

November 17, 2015

November 17, 2015 Dear Parents/Guardians: The BC Ministry of Education has revised (K-9) and is revising (grades 10-12) the provincial curriculum as a response to the rapidly changing world that students are entering. The Ministry of Education consulted with experts in the field, including the BC Teachers’ Federation to develop curriculum designed to best meet…

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 Langley Schools Administrators and Staff on Halloween!

November 2, 2015

Lots of administrators and staff from around the District shared their costumes and pictures so we put them all together into one slideshow! Lots of creative and fun people work here…

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 Books for Douglas Park

October 30, 2015

All’s well that ends well for Douglas Park Community School after a roller coaster ride of emotion when the school was informed that they were disqualified from the Adopt-a-School contest hosted by Indigo. Despite leading the pack, it was initially determined that the rules had been broken in the online nomination process, though it was…

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 Board News: Tuesday, October 27, 2015

October 28, 2015

Honouring of Former Trustee Diane Pona Former Trustee Diane Pone was honoured by the Board of Education after recently passing away. Board Chair Robert McFarlane remember Ms. Pona as “…an ally, a friend, a motivator” and highlighted the great passion she brought to educational issues and her service to the Langley School Board of Education….

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 James Kennedy Ins-PI-re Project Inspires Students

October 20, 2015

The Government of BC is supporting 17 Innovation Projects as selected by the Innovation Partnership Working Group and as a part of the K-12 Innovation Partnership and the Ins-PI-re Project at James Kennedy Elementary is one of those select few chosen for this year. The provincial Innovation Project was designed to support innovative programs that support…

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 What’s Shakin’ at Noel Booth?

October 16, 2015

The Great British Columbia Shake Out was October 15th and citizens, schools and businesses ‘shook out’ with earthquake drills around the province. Langley District schools participated in drills as well, including staff and students at Noel Booth Elementary who took a lot of pictures of their impressive drill. Principal Carol Osborne marshalled the staff and students…

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 Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement Signed

October 10, 2015

Hereditary Kwantlen Chief Marilyn Gabriel, shown at right with her sisters, Cheryl Gabriel, who hosted and MC’d the signing event October 8th at the Kwantlen Cultural Centre, and Donna Robins, District Teacher in the Aboriginal Program. The signing of the Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement is the culmination of incredible effort and cooperation between District staff…

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 Orange Shirt Day in Langley Schools

September 30, 2015

The Langley School District is wearing ORANGE today to recognize Aboriginal Residential School Survivors. Many schools are holding assemblies today or have hosted Aboriginal Cultural Presenters this week to learn more about Residential Schools and Truth and Reconciliation. To view a collection of Twitter photos from around the District on this Orange Shirt Day, visit the link or…

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