Students lead the way in summer food drive

May 31, 2017

Despite a light drizzle, Leadership students from Brookswood Secondary School gathered under a group of tents to celebrate the completion of a district food drive on May 30. Organized by District Teacher, Lenny Yun, four high schools, and one elementary participated in a contest to donate to the local food drive. During the school year,…

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 Langley students move up to Heritage Fest Provincials

May 30, 2017

Earlier this month, Langley students participated in the regional Heritage Fest — a student based research festival about Canadian history. 69 students from Langley represented the district in the regionals, with two students being advanced to the provincials. Jake Arthurs from Richard Bulpitt, and Lachlan MacInnes from James Kennedy Elementary received two out of the three Stellar Achievement…

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 Painting unveiled at Truth and Reconciliation Assembly at HD Stafford

May 29, 2017

HD Stafford students assembled for Truth and Reconciliation on May 25. Students gathered in a circle in the gym, around a group of lights where presenters stood. Nisga’a Elder and Residential School Survivor Mercy Thomas opened the assembly as she shared the story of her childhood. She recalled the experience of her parents handing her over to a…

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 Aboriginal Achievement Awards 2017

May 26, 2017

The Aboriginal Achievement Awards are held each year to recognize the successes of Aboriginal students throughout the district. Students are recognized as Golden Eagles as they graduate with various other awards presented in the course of the evening to many middle and secondary students.

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 Yorkson Creek Middle School unveils button blanket

May 25, 2017

Students from Yorkson Creek Middle gathered in assembly in the school atrium for the unveiling of the school’s button blanket. The ceremony opened with drumming before the blanket was officially unveiled. The blanket was designed by Mrs. Roberts with the help of Mrs. Akai and other staff. It was mounted on cedar and hung in the…

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 Langley students recognized at regional Heritage Fair

May 24, 2017

The Fraser Valley Regional Heritage Fair took place on May 11 and 12 this year, at the University of the Fraser Valley in Abbotsford. Many of the awards given recognized students from Langley schools. Heritage Fairs happen annually, with this year’s regionals hosted by the MSA Museum society, and The Reach Gallery and Museum in…

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 Building Buddies at HDSMS

May 24, 2017

Twenty grade 4 and 5 students and parents from the HDS family of schools recently explored the skilled trades of carpentry, plumbing & piping and horticulture in an interactive, hands on event. For many, this was their first opportunity to use hand tools such as hammers and saws and learn correct woodworking techniques. Students also…

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 Six students receive 2017 SASSY awards

May 17, 2017

The 2017 SASSY Awards took place on April 27. Six students received awards for their service in selfless leadership. SASSY —Service Above Self Student Youth— is an awards program run by the four Rotary Clubs of Langley. The program celebrates youth, aged 15-21 living in Langley, who excel in peer leadership, community service, and students who…

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 iPad Photography at Belmont Elementary

May 16, 2017

During the photography exploration at Belmont Elementary, students were introduced to a new photography technique and/or element of composition each week. With iPads as their cameras, students were encouraged to explore these teachings by taking photos throughout the school and on the schoolyard. Second year students worked on a ‘finding the alphabet’ project and conveying…

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 Four Langley schools set up Little Free Libraries in their community

May 15, 2017

Students from four Langley Elementary schools have taken steps to create a community around reading in their neighbourhoods. Gordon Greenwood, Dorothy Peacock, Langley Fine Arts, and Richard Bulpitt students have each constructed their own Little Free Library at their schools. Little Free Libraries are often seen as outdoor cabinets filled with books where community members…

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