Santa’s Workout for Water collects food for local food bank

December 21, 2017

Santa’s Workout for Water took place for the first time this past December. The event raised awareness for the need of clean water for a billion people across the globe. In these communities, often it is the children who have to walk to find water, usually the girls of the family. This limits their access…

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 Le Réveillon at Alex Hope

December 20, 2017

Students in Late French Immersion celebrated the eleventh annual Réveillon on Friday, December 8 to begin the festive season. Supported by parent volunteers and served by Mme Guyanne Inoue’s class, guests enjoyed a delicious meal consisting of soupe à l’amitié (Friendship Soup), tourtière (meat pie) and bûche de Noël (chocolate cake in the shape of…

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 Fort Langley student wins anti-bullying prize for school

December 15, 2017

Fort Langley Elementary held its six week regular assembly on December 11. However, this time, they had a special celebration. One student was recognized for her exceptional entry in a contest run by Seon, a Safe Fleet Solution company. She was awarded $500 for the school. Seon, who joined the United Against Bullying program, holds…

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 Board News: Tuesday, December 12, 2017

December 14, 2017

Opening Presentation: R.E. Mountain Secondary Chamber Choir The R.E. Mountain Secondary Chamber Choir under the direction of Choir Director Jen Williams performed a number of Christmas songs for the Board of Education before the opening of the meeting. Enjoy a sample below. Announcement: Naming of the new Willoughby area secondary school Board Chair Rob McFarlane…

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 Powerplay comes to West Langley Elementary

December 12, 2017

Powerplay season reached West Langley Elementary on December 8. After months of designing products, and planning, the gym was filled with various displays. There were several food displays including home-made jam, hot chocolate, and cupcakes.   Students had a chance to reflect on the success of their products and any improvements they would need to…

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 Inspire event showcases student work with robots, games, and coding

December 11, 2017

Robotic bees and caterpillars rolled across the gym floor at James Kennedy Elementary on December 5. They were joined by battle-bots, Dash-bots and a crowd of children programming them. The robots can complete challenges, compete with one another, and do various tasks based on what the kids program them to do. The Inspire event was…

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 Powerplay at JKE

December 8, 2017

James Kennedy held their Powerplay event December 4. The day was organized by teachers Kavita Hoonjan and Craig Rogers. Students designed, created, packaged, and sold their own products at the event. Powerplay is a program that teaches students about entrepreneurship.

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 Student entrepreneurship at Lynn Fripps with the Powerplay program

December 7, 2017

Cars lined the block at Lynn Fripps Elementary for the Powerplay market on December 1. The gym was crowded with parents, staff, and students. Tables were packed into the space with students selling their wares.   The Powerplay event was organized by teacher Jennifer Fernandez. It teaches students about entrepreneurship. The work started back in…

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 West Langley K’s have fun with ChatterPix

December 4, 2017

ChatterPix is an app available for iPads that allows users to take any photo, draw a line to make a mouth and then record your voice to make your picture ‘talk’! West Langley Kindergarten students had a blast making these pictures talk and would like to share their video with you.

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 Christmas Pancakes at Willoughby Elementary

December 2, 2017

December 1 the annual PAC pancake breakfast and PJ Day at Willoughby Elementary. Santa also stopped by to spread some Christmas cheer, visit students, and take in the wonder of the festive hallways.   Veteran and new staff members as well as administrators have spent the last two weeks decking the halls in preparation for December’s festivities…

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