REMSS Teacher-Librarian appointed to prestigious committee

March 12, 2018

Congratulations to REMSS Teacher-Librarian Richard Beaudry as he has been chosen to serve a three-year term as a member of the Intellectual Freedom Committee of the Canadian Federation of Library Associations. This prestigious appointment means he will be advocating for intellectual freedom across Canada and developing policies, guidelines, and reports to inform Canadians on the…

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 Heritage Fair at JKE

March 9, 2018

Grade 5 students at James Kennedy Elementary began the season of Langley Heritage Fairs. Participating students have spent the last few months preparing their presentations, displays, and write-ups discussing periods in Canadian history they were interested in exploring. Displays included topics such as the Vancouver 2010 Olympics, the national flag, breeds of Canadian dog, Residential…

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 Board News: Tuesday, February 27, 2018

February 27, 2018

The Regular Meeting of the Langley Board of Education will be streamed live beginning at 7:00pm. A link to the video feed will be posted in Board News prior to the meeting. Meeting Agenda *Please note: There were some technical difficulties in our first web stream. There are some audio difficulties in the beginning and…

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 Respect & Diversity Week February 26 – March 2

February 26, 2018

Langley Schools will be taking part in all kinds of different activities as part of Respect & Diversity Week including many wearing pink on Tuesday. Respect & Diversity Week is organized locally and students and staff all over the district will be taking part in events that highlight cultures of the world, promote peace, respect…

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 District StrongStart program available in 9 locations

February 21, 2018

Participate with your young child (aged birth to five) in a free, play-based, drop-in program. StrongStart BC programs provide rich learning environments designed for early learning development – language, physical, cognitive, social and emotional. Qualified early childhood educators employed by the Langley School District lead learning activities where children find opportunity to make friends and…

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 Construction photos of new R.E. Mountain Secondary

February 19, 2018

Secretary Treasurer Brian Iseli recently updated the Board of Education on the construction of what will become the new R.E. Mountain Secondary School. Included in the gallery below are plans for each floor, some artists renderings of how some areas may look and some arial photos showing the progress at the site, provided by Project…

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 Richard Bulpitt Elementary celebrates multiculturalism

February 15, 2018

Students lined up to enter the gym of Richard Bulpitt on Friday, February 9. They were participating in the school’s annual Multicultural Day. The gym was decorated with along the outside and in the centre. First Nations, Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese, German Mennonite, Japanese, English, Hispanic, and Indian were all represented. Each outfitted their table with…

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 WGSS Student taking part in Pyeongchang Winter Olympics

February 13, 2018

Kevin Kim, a senior student at Walnut Grove Secondary School has been given the opportunity this winter to film and photograph the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics to create a short promotional video for Proctor & Gamble. Besides having won multiple film contests/awards, having an exceptional eye for graphic design, and even running a wedding videography…

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 Langley student to compete in the 2018 BC Winter Games

February 2, 2018

Langley student Kayla Halliday is soon to be representing the district in the BC Winter Games in Kamloops this February. Around her school, the excitement is already palpable. Two classmates interviewed Kayla and wrote her story: “Our classmate, Kayla Halliday, is representing Langley in the Juvenile Women U-14 Figure Skating in the BC Winter Games….

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 Board News: Tuesday, January 30, 2018

February 1, 2018

Superintendent’s Reports: Framework for Enhanced Student Learning: Student Leadership District Teacher, Student Leadership Lenny Yun was joined by leadership students Yilian Zhao and Prab Wickramaarachchi to share with the Board the amazing leadership initiatives students are participating in within the Langley district. In addition to classes and clubs at secondary schools there are a number…

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