Create, Collaborate, Innovate contest grants Simonds classroom with new technology

April 18, 2018

Faune Nicholas’ class thought they were in trouble when they were called to the gym on Monday morning. They didn’t expect that Principal Lori Thomsen was keeping an amazing secret from them. The secret: their class was one of four in Canada to win the Compugen “Create, Collaborate, Innovate” classroom contest. The grand prize: fifteen…

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 Students talk about their experience at Powerplay

April 17, 2018

Alex Hope hosted its Powerplay entrepreneurial event on Thursday April 13. Students sold a variety of products, including earbud holders, hacky-sacks, and kazoos. Ten per cent of all sales were donated to the local SPCA. Here are a few of the student responses to taking part in such an amazing program. ““They are earbud holders. …

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 Cinder-Awesome assembly celebrates autism and brings awareness

April 12, 2018

There’s a new Cinderella in town, and she’s Cinder-Awesome! Written by Resource Teacher, Adam Knowlson and performed by the Dorothy Peacock Elementary Drama Club, the play reinvented the popular fairy tale. In this version, Cinderella has autism. The play aims to bring awareness to autism, with inclusion as its focus.   Instead of a glass…

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 Board News: Tuesday, April 10, 2018

April 10, 2018

The Regular Meeting of the Langley Board of Education will be streamed live beginning at 7:00pm. A link to the video feed will be posted here in Board News just prior to the start of the meeting. Agenda  

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 Langley Student awarded scholarship to attend the University of France

March 26, 2018

Those of you who teach or know Hannah Billings will be happy to learn that she won an Exceptional Merit Scholarship to study at the University of France in Montpellier for the month of July.  She will most likely be majoring in Médicine and minoring in l’Histoire de l’Art. This is through an international organization…

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 Crêperie La Bohème gives French and Spanish classes a chance for practice

March 22, 2018

On Monday, March 12, French and Spanish students were treated to French crepes when Crêperie La Bohème, a food truck from Vancouver, arrived and parked in front of the school.  Using French or Spanish, students were able to order sweet buckwheat crepes with delicious fillings such as Nutella, chocolate, butter and sugar, banana, and various other fruits. It was a beautiful warm, sunny day…

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 Douglas Park wakes up their Living Library just in time for Spring

March 20, 2018

Spring time is here, and that means it’s time to wake up the garden. Some months ago, the Living Library at Douglas Park Community Elementary was put to bed under a blanket of fallen leaves. There they would sleep safely until the spring. On March 16, four days before the first day of spring, Lorraine…

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 Brookswood students awarded $5000 grant for local charity

March 19, 2018

On Monday March 5, Brookswood Secondary participated in its final Youth Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) presentations, during which 9 groups of Grade 10 students presented about important social issues and charities in the community . As research, students visited the charities they chose to support in order to learn about the work they do. They then…

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 A look at Canadian heritage

March 14, 2018

With Heritage Fair season under full swing, and several schools have been displaying their hard work. Peterson Road Elementary and Lynn Fripps recently showcased some amazing projects, much of it focused on local history! Subjects have included John Howe (famous for his illustrations of JRR Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings), the Hope Slide, Japanese…

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 Reading Link Challenge encourages the sport of reading

March 13, 2018

Six teams of grade 4 and 5 students have been preparing for the district’s Reading Link Challenge since November. They were given six books to read and study, knowing that they would soon be required to answer a series of comprehension questions about each.   Teams worked together through 3 rounds of 10 questions to…

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