Little Feathers celebrate their graduation

June 21, 2018

Shortreed gathered in assembly on National Indigenous People’s Day to celebrate a few kids from their school. Little Feathers is a program for indigenous children in kindergarten. For their graduation, the Little Feathers kids were blanketed and given cedar headbands, in an honouring ceremony, just before the assembly.   They then joined the assembly, while…

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 The Career Discoveries Program wraps up its 30th year

June 20, 2018

On June 13, 2017 the Langley School District’s Career Discoveries Program held its 30th Annual Year End Celebration.  Student work experience successes in restaurants, stores, offices, warehouses and manufacturing sites across Langley were recognized with slides, applause, and awards.  This year several students completed over 200 hours of work experience.   The Career Discoveries Program…

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 Board News: Tuesday, June 19, 2018

June 19, 2018

The Regular Meeting of the Langley Board of Education will be streamed live beginning at 7:00pm. A link to the video feed will be posted here in Board News just prior to the start of the meeting. Agenda

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 Drumming flash mob visits district schools

June 19, 2018

Indigenous First People’s Day is this Thursday, and the celebrations have already begun around the district. On Monday, June 18, Sheila Jack’s drumming circle students, the Red Hawk Drummers, visited several schools, including the School Board Office, around the district with a drumming “flash mob” where the drummers would drum a prayer at each location….

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 2017-2018 District Retirees Celebrated

June 18, 2018

A special evening of celebration was held for those employees of School District #35 that have chosen to retire in 2017-2018. The Board of Education and the District Leadership Team thanked all those in attendance that have recently retired for their dedication and service to the students of Langley. Retirees were each honoured with dinner,…

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 Grad breakfast celebrates FOCUS student grads

June 15, 2018

The Langley Secondary FOCUS Program is proudly graduating nine students this year. To celebrate, they hosted a special breakfast for students in the program, which was sponsored by Coast Capital Savings. Parents were invited out, as well as staff and trustees.   The FOCUS Program at LSS offers a “higher teacher-student ratio, individualized instruction, flexible…

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 Lynn Fripps students showcase their STEM learning

June 11, 2018

Robots, games, 3d printing, oh my! Grade 1 to 5 students at Lynn Fripps Elementary were showcasing their STEM learning from the year. STEM is an acronym that means “Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics”, and students have been applying these forms of learning through various applications, and experiments. Some students shared their home-made video games, with…

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 Success for RE Mountain Secondary at BC Track & Field Competition

June 8, 2018

The senior boys track team ended their season with a bang at the BCs winning the 4x400m on Saturday at the BC High School Track and Field Provincial Championships. Felix Allen (in grade 10) came in 4th in the junior boys 400m. In senior boys competition, Jordan Schmidt came in 1st in the 800m. Zach…

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 DW Poppy students take on staff in a game of baseball

June 6, 2018

Bases were loaded, mostly in favour of the students, during the staff versus students baseball game at DWP on June 5. The student team consisted mainly of grads, who had signed up to play. They donned their tie-dye grad shirts as a team jersey.   The rest of the school came out the view the…

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 Alice Brown student gets promotion to be Principal for a Day

June 6, 2018

Yesterday, one student at Alice Brown Elementary got the promotion of a lifetime. Tylar won the opportunity to be principal of the school for the day through a school raffle. The job came with all the regular benefits: classroom visits, school announcements, a visit with District Superintendent Gord Stewart, and the chance to ride in…

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