Multicultural Day celebrated at Richard Bulpitt

February 11, 2019

To celebrate the rich diversity of cultures in the Langley School District, Richard Bulpitt hosted its annual Multicultural Day on Friday, February 8. The celebrations took place all day long, with classes taking turns visiting the gym, where several cultural displays were set up. Parents from the school’s community volunteered to share their culture in…

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 Wix-Brown learns about the First Salmon Ceremony

February 8, 2019

“The Langley School District is honoured to operate on the unceded traditional territories of the Katzie, Kwantlen, Semiahmoo and Matsqui First Nations.” This is a statement that kids across the district have become familiar with. However, at Wix-Brown Elementary, Aboriginal Support worker Deanna Miller shared that statement in hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓, a language spoken by local First Nations communities….

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 Taiko drumming thunders into West Langley Elementary

February 6, 2019

The gym was filled with the sound of drumming. The heavy beats of the Japanese Taiko drum could be felt even in the floor. West Langley Elementary invited out Uzume Taiko, a Japanese drumming group. The two presenters, Jason and Bonnie, gave the students background on the art form, which has been a Japanese tradition…

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 Table 35 students engage in campaign to end the “r” word

February 4, 2019

Table 35 is a regular event for students in the Leadership Program in Langley. Leadership students from all over the district meet four to five times a year to share ideas. When the group met on February 1, they had a special guest, Chelsea Rogers, from the Special Olympics. She spoke about the organization, which…

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 Mental Health Night teaches wellness practice to district students

February 2, 2019

Over fifty secondary students visited the Langley School District office for a Mental Health Night on January 31. Hosted by Leadership students from across the district, the event promoted wellness through reflective journaling and focused personal writing. Students were also able to meet other like-minded students from different schools and continue conversations with people they…

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 Langley Rivermen challenge James Kennedy Elementary students to read more

February 1, 2019

Family Literacy Day was last Sunday, but the festivities didn’t end there. To continue to encourage their kids to read at home, James Kennedy Elementary invited the Langley Rivermen to host a reading challenge.   The Rivermen are Langley’s Junior A ice hockey team. Three members of the team: Daneel Lategan, Will Stromp, and CJ…

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 Board News: Tuesday, January 29, 2019

January 29, 2019

The Regular Meeting of the Langley Board of Education will be streamed live beginning at 7:00pm. A link to the video feed will be posted here in Board News just prior to the start of the meeting. Agenda   Board Meeting Summary Superintendent’s Reports Strategic Plan Update – Superintendent Gord Stewart provided an update on the…

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 Supporting Langley families by planning future schools

January 29, 2019

LANGLEY – Students and families living in Langley’s Latimer neighbourhood will benefit from the purchase of a 1.9-hectare property to be the home of a new elementary school. “When families move to a new neighbourhood, they deserve to have a school nearby for their kids,” said Rob Fleming, Minister of Education. “With hundreds of young…

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 Willoughby Slope Middle School Registration

January 28, 2019

To the Parent/Guardians of the RE Mountain Family of Schools Re: Middle School Registration As you are aware, the Willoughby Slope is a dynamic and growing community. This growth has had an impact on our families as they have settled into the school year. Some students are currently attending schools outside of their catchment. While…

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 Raise a Food Lover encourages healthy breakfasts at Willoughby Elementary

January 17, 2019

We’ve always been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and the Raise a Food Lover program helps kids to ensure that their choices are healthy ones. Willoughby Elementary was host to the program this morning, sponsored by Hakam’s Independent Grocer.The gym was packed with students and families before 8 am…

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