A Night of Celebration: Service Awards

March 6, 2019

On Tuesday, some Langley School District staff spent the evening together, but they weren’t on the clock. The District hosted the 2019 Service Awards to honour employees who have worked for 20 and 30 years. Some honourees were teachers, principals and support staff. It was an evening of sharing memories, showing pride, and giving thanks….

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 How to Train Your Dragon author teaches BGMS students about being creative

March 6, 2019

“Writing isn’t about your spelling or your handwriting. It’s about your ideas!” said author Cressida Cowell, creator of the How to Train Your Dragon book series. Mrs. Peters’ grade seven class at Betty Gilbert Middle School in Aldergrove had the opportunity to Skype into a special broadcast by the well-known author. They were one of several…

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 Tilting training and medieval games at Walnut Grove

March 4, 2019

Nothing builds teamwork better than creating a phalanx to defend against an onslaught of dodgeballs. Medieval shield defence formations was just one of the drills done by the Grade 8 French Immersion class at Walnut Grove last Thursday. The Society of Tilt and Lance Cavalry (STALC) visited the school last week, just one stop on…

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 Connecting with Nature: Outdoor Ed Program

March 4, 2019

All parents want the best for their children’s education. For some, that means having their kids learning outside of the classroom. Debbie Low is a strong advocate for the District’s Outdoor Ed program. Both her son and daughter take part in the program which runs out of Fort Langley Elementary. She loves how her kids…

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 Brookswood students give back to their community through YPI

March 1, 2019

“You should always have empathy in order to make a change.” That was one of the messages from a student at Brookswood Secondary School today. As part of the Young Philanthropy Initiative (YPI), seven groups of grade 10 students gave presentations highlighting a local charity to try to win a $5,000 grant for their chosen organization. After two months of hard work, researching and…

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 Diversity and Respect, as well as courage showcased at JKE

February 28, 2019

One of the core values of the Langley School is “Courage” and James Kennedy Elementary, in recognition of Diversity and Respect Week, showcased courage today. “Students will practise courage by taking on a leadership role in an assembly that encompasses the work we are doing as a Diverse and Respectful school,” said the assembly announcement…

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 DW Poppy hosts the second annual Holocaust Symposium

February 28, 2019

During World War II over 6 million Jewish men, women, and children were killed by Nazi forces in one of the most tragic genocides of recent history. We’re all familiar with the story; however, the lessons this story has to teach are very relevant in today’s world. The Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre visited DW Poppy…

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 Special Board Meeting: Calendar Consultation

February 28, 2019

At the February 26, 2019 Regular Board of Education meeting, the Board passed a motion requesting District staff to begin the consultation process for the District Calendars for 2019/2020, 2020/2021, and 2021/2022. The Board of Education approved these District Calendars subject to minor revisions based on feedback received as a result of a 30-day consultation period. Based on the feedback received so…

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 Spread the Word to End the Word continues at DW Poppy

February 27, 2019

The continued effort to end the use of the “r” word was taken up at DW Poppy this afternoon. Chris Burton, a graduate of Poppy, visited the school to share his story. The Spread the Word to End the Word campaign was started by Special Olympics, and was introduced to the district through Leadership Students…

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 Board News: Tuesday February 26, 2019

February 26, 2019

The Regular Meeting of the Langley Board of Education will be streamed live beginning at 7:00pm. A link to the video feed will be posted here in Board News just prior to the start of the meeting. Agenda   Superintendent’s Report Amended Annual Budget Bylaw 2018-2019 Amended Annual Budget Bylaw 2018-2019 – The Board of Education passed…

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