Ideas flourish at the 12th annual Langley Speechfest finals

April 30, 2019

It’s commonly said that no one envies the job of the judges during Speechfest. They have the hardest job every year. This year, however, must have been that much more difficult for them. The 12th Annual Speechfest finals took place on Friday, April 26 and Monday, April 29. Thirty-two students from around the district, grades…

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 Board News: Tuesday April 30, 2019

April 30, 2019

The Regular Meeting of the Langley Board of Education will be streamed live beginning at 7:00pm. A link to the video feed will be posted here in Board News just prior to the start of the meeting. Agenda Presentations Langley School District Foundation Annual Report Susan Cairns, Executive Director of the Langley School District Foundation,…

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 U-Connect applies passions to powerplays

April 25, 2019

The first ever U-Connect Entrepreneurship fair took place April 23. For many of the students of Mr. Chien’s grade 9 class, it was a way they could turn their passions into marketable wares. The learning began with the involved process of constructing a product. Students first constructed a product proposal based on an idea. They…

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 Love Hope Autism: April is World Autism Month

April 23, 2019

  In light of World Autism month in April, here’s a Q & A with a proud supporter of Autism awareness. We’re speaking with H.D. Stafford Principal Shawn Davids who came to the School Board office wearing a T-shirt that said “Love Hope Autism.” In a work environment, where most people wear business casual attire,…

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 Big Ideas to Support the World: Preview of IDEA SUMMIT and IDEA X

April 22, 2019

  ‘Do you need any bags?’ That’s something you hear at your local grocery store. But one day that might not be the case. The plastic shopping bag may be eradicated or replaced with something healthier for the world. With Monday being Earth Day, the District is highlighting a unique and environmentally focused initiative. In…

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 Getting up to speak: speechfest semi-finals under way around the district

April 17, 2019

“The first time I came up to give a speech I was totally freaked out!” said one student at this year’s Speechfest semi-finals shared, “but now it’s not so bad.” She was tapping into her experience with the most potent phobia: the fear of public speaking. Every year, in spite of their fears, kids from…

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 Honouring a Nation: This is Kwantlen Portrait Exhibit

April 12, 2019

People use the word honour all the time, but do we really know what it means? Cambridge dictionary defines honouring someone or something as “in order to celebrate or show great respect for someone or something.” Langley Fine Arts students showed their community the meaning of honour through a portrait project called “This is Kwantlen.”…

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 Walking in the Spirit of Reconciliation: Moose Hide Campaign

April 9, 2019

  You may have seen them around the District, students and staff wearing a pin with a small, tan leather square, no bigger than a quarter, and wondered what they are for? On Tuesday, students at Langley Fine Arts School wore these pins and marched from their school to Fort Langley to raise awareness of…

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 I Am Me: A Lesson on Inclusivity at R.C. Garnett’s Speech Fest

April 6, 2019

If you’re a parent or teacher who grew up in B.C., odds are you probably have taken part or watched a Speech Fest in your day. You’ll remember students waiting nervously, then walking up to the microphone, and finally getting the courage to share a short speech that they’ve been reciting for weeks. For those…

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 Telling their own Canadian stories: Lynn Fripps Heritage Fair

April 3, 2019

  There was everything from Canada’s involvement in World War II to Expo 86. On Wednesday, grade five students at Lynn Fripps Elementary showcased their work at this year’s Heritage Fair. Grade five teacher Carmen Mostat says it’s a passion project with a social studies theme. “It’s a science fair but with socials studies. It’s…

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