Staying Connected — Teachers Penny Carnrite & Brittany Reid on their Teaching Practice

May 4, 2020

Teachers and staff across the District have suddenly had to re-think how we deliver, not only education to our students, but also how we interact with them, and one another. We need to stay connected, even though that may look differently than it used to. During these unprecedented times, our teachers and staff have been…

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 Health and Well-Being: Blogging Through COVID Together – Connecting with Teens

May 4, 2020

This is a tough time for everyone, and it might be particularly difficult for teens. They can’t take part in usual extra-curricular activities like playing team sports, going out to the movies, or just hanging out with their friends. They are most likely spending more time in their homes which may be adding more stress…

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 Health & Well-Being: Blogging Through COVID Together — Self-Compassion

April 27, 2020

Last week we talked about the importance of noticing and talking about feelings. I am going to guess that there was no lack of opportunity to do this over the last week as feelings were everywhere. Many of us were feeling big ups and big downs and so were the people we are isolating with,…

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 “So much more than feeding kids” for Langley School Lunch Program

April 22, 2020

Everyday staff at Douglas Park Elementary in Langley set-up tables and pack up lunch bags filled with nutritious food items. Staff will sort through typical things most school-aged children like to have in their lunchboxes, such as granola bars and juice boxes. It’s all part of the school’s Grab and Go meal program and is…

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 Health & Well-Being: Blogging Through COVID Together — Feelings

April 20, 2020

Last week we introduced this blog as a way of sharing information, stories and practices to promote and support well-being in this crazy unprecedented time of Covid-19. As this pandemic is a time to model and practice courage we are going to dive right in and start with feelings. Let’s face it, feelings are a…

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 Board News: April 21, 2020

April 20, 2020

The Regular Meeting of the Langley Board of Education begins at 7:00 p.m. A link to the live-stream will be posted here in Board News. Agenda Superintendent’s Report Superintendent’s Report – COVID-19 Update Superintendent Gord Stewart gave an update on District operations and the impacts of COVID-19. He began by expressing thanks to everyone in…

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 Health and Well-Being: Blogging through COVID Together

April 14, 2020

Welcome to the first COVID-19 health and well-being blog post! I am excited to be able to share and practice wellness with all of you through this weekly blog post as we navigate this new way of being and learning together. Health and well–being, has been my passion area for a few years now and I have been reading, learning and doing my best to practice and share…

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 Dorothy Peacock celebrates essential service workers with Hearts of Thanks

April 11, 2020

Over the past several weeks, we’ve been thinking a lot about our Essential Services, especially about the people who help to provide those services. They are the front line force keeping us fed, healthy, and looked after. It’s no surprise, many messages of thanks have been surfacing in our community, especially in the Dorothy Peacock…

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 How to wash your hands in hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓

April 7, 2020

One of the messages we’ve been hearing a lot lately, during this health crisis, is to wash our hands; wash them often. There have been posters explaining how, and little tricks we’ve been learning to ensure we wash for twenty seconds. One of those tricks is to sing happy birthday, twice. In an effort to…

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 Connecting with the Community

April 3, 2020

Community is one of our District’s core values. That means staying connected, building relationships, caring about one another, and working together. And in these difficult times, these values are what the District has been working hard to maintain. This week, students have been receiving phone calls from teachers and staff, connecting with them to find…

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