Board News: October 20, 2020

October 19, 2020

The Regular Meeting of the Langley Board of Education begins at 7:00 PM on October 20, 2020. Agenda   Note: A new audio/visual system was used to broadcast the Regular Board Meeting. The first 20 minutes of the recording is poor quality and inaudible. Our staff is continuing to work diligently to ensure the system…

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 Election Day: Use of School Sites

October 15, 2020

On Saturday October 24, many of the school gyms across the District will be used as provincial election polling stations on General Voting Day from 8:00 am – 8:00 pm. As guided by Section 81 of the Election Act “accommodation in a school that is the property of a board of school trustees under the…

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 A Piece to a Puzzle: Reflections from District Custodians

October 14, 2020

The education system has evolved since March and the changes continue to happen. Around the District, new health and safety procedures and protocols have been met in order to bring our students and staff back into the classroom, and a big part of that was cleaning and sanitizing. To meet the growing need and maintain…

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 Langley students take part in learning on Orange Shirt Day

September 30, 2020

Schools around the District wear orange shirts on September 30th every year as part of Orange Shirt Day, to recognize survivors of Residential Schools and those we have lost. It is also a day to acknowledge that “Every Child Matters”. “Orange Shirt Day grew out of Phyllis Webstad’s story of having her shiny new orange shirt…

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 Naming Process for Future Elementary School in the SW Yorkson Area

September 23, 2020

School District No. 35 (Langley) is now accepting submissions from the public for the name of the future elementary school in the SW Yorkson Elementary area. The school is scheduled to open in Fall 2021 at 7844 204B Street. Names should reflect the geographical area or names of prominent persons, including deceased persons. Submissions should…

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 Board News: September 22, 2020

September 21, 2020

The Regular Meeting of the Langley Board of Education began at 7:00 PM on September 22, 2020. Agenda   ORANGE SHIRT DAY – EVERY CHILD MATTERS (September 30) Board Chair Megan Dykeman read a statement in recognition of Orange Shirt Day which will take place on September 30. Dykeman explained the meaning behind the day…

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 A September Like Never Before

September 17, 2020

Students walked out of their homes to sunshine, cool air, and fresh morning dew as they made their way to their first day of school.  Many of them carrying backpacks, holding onto their parent’s hands, and exhibiting body language indicating excitement, nervousness, and a little anxiety – the usual feelings expected for students when returning to school. But it was not a typical start to the…

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 Shirts for Kindness Help Support Langley Students

September 11, 2020

You may have noticed a new shirt around town. “Be Kind” or “Choose Kindness” are words to live by, according to the Langley School District Foundation, and their Kindness T-Shirt campaign. The shirts are sold for $20 a piece, and The Foundation hopes to use the money to continue supporting students and families in the…

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 Education Restart Town Hall Meeting – Thursday, August 27

August 26, 2020

The District invited the community to take part in our Education Restart Town Hall Meeting. As part of the release of our Education Restart Plan, our District provided parents/guardians, students and staff the opportunity to learn more about the plan and ask their questions. Thank you to everyone who has submitted questions. Questions and answers…

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 IB student sews stuffed animals for hospitalized kids during pandemic

July 2, 2020

Looking for a kid-friendly summer project? How about one that helps give back to the Langley community? RE Mountain International Baccalaureate student, Alice He, along with her friend Amy have been working hard on a project that does just that. The pair have produced felt animals for kids at Langley Memorial Hospital. It was a…

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